Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Welcome to the last blog of the term and of 2022 and what has proved to be a challenging end of year.  Thank you for understanding the very difficult situation we found ourselves in with the extreme weather conditions.

Firstly, I would like to thank Major Highway and the cadets for inviting me to the annual MGS CCF Dinner on Friday.  About 30 people, including some Old Maidstonians and invited guests enjoyed an evening together over a lovely two-course meal cooked for us by our catering team.  Thank you CCF.

This week, as we approach the end of term, each house will have an assembly where it has become accustomed to hear from the School Captain and School Vice-Captain about their Christmases, and what they look forward to at this time of year.

I would like to wish you all a pleasant Christmas and peaceful and quiet New Year.

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Firstly, it is always good hearing from Old Maidstonians and how they are getting on after leaving MGS.  Hamish Reilly (OM 2019) took part in the U23 World Triathlon Championship in Abu Dhabi last Friday and won Bronze!  It was Hamish’s first time racing not only at this level championship but also at the Olympic distance, in what was an incredibly hot climate.  We are delighted for Hamish and wish him continued success.

This week we welcome back Year 11 from their mock examinations for the last two weeks of term.  Their examination papers are now being marked by their teachers, and so very soon we should find out how they got on. It is good to have Year 11 back.

Yesterday we enjoyed an hour with Year 12 and their parents at our annual GCSE Certificate Presentation Afternoon.  Students were presented with their GCSE certificates following three years of hard work as well as hearing from key staff and students about the School’s achievements.  Thank you to the parents who were able to attend as well as to the many Old Maidstonians who returned to see their old school once more and to sing the School Song.

The Year 10 Virtual Parents’ Evening is taking place on Wednesday providing an opportunity for parents to hear how their children are progressing through the GCSE years.  Let us hope the evening is a positive one.

Students in Year 8 are involved in two days of activities that will help them think about future careers, and in doing so get them to consider what GCSE subject choices they wish to make.  We have run these two days of activities for Year 8 for a number of years now and we have found they really help the students think about what they want to do after they leave MGS.

And on Friday we are hosting our Christmas Charity Day where students will be encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper, buy goodies from the MGS Christmas market, and bring donations in for a number of local homeless charities.  The usual £1 contribution on the gate for non-uniform will also apply.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Firstly, I would like to thank the four Old Maidstonians who delivered a Harvard Model United Nations training session at the weekend to those current Maidstonians who will be attending the conference in January.  20 students attended school on Saturday for the four-hour training session, with all being very appreciative of the former students coming along to share their knowledge and giving their advice.  Thank you Freddie, Hugo, Allen and Daniel.

At the same time as this Harvard training we also welcomed Dartford Grammar School for the weekend rugby fixture.  Dartford Grammar School has traditionally been a tough school to beat, and there were mixed fortunes across all of the squads, but the senior squads led the way with two victories: the 2nd XV winning 14 – 5, and the 1st XV winning 22 – 10.  It was certainly a good day at the office!

In more sporting success, basketball is probably now the third most competitively played team sport at MGS after rugby and football.  Thanks to Mr Ashenfelter and the commitment of a number of players, the MGS team convincingly beat Thamesview School last week to secure a place in the quarter finals of the Kent Cup.  Well done to the team.

This week is a slightly quieter week for the School.  The Year 11 mock examinations continue into their second week; a group of year 12 art students enjoyed a day out on Monday visiting the Emmanuel Centre in London; and Year 7, as well as some year 12 students, will be visiting Bletchley Park to learn more about the Enigma machine and all things coding.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who supported last Friday’s BBC Children in Need charity day.  The weather allowed us to have an enjoyable day, which included an eight-hour badmintonathon, a soak the teacher event, and the sale of hundreds of cakes.  We have yet to understand the total amount raised, but it is hoped that we achieve over £2000.  A huge thank you to Year 12 for leading on the day due to Year 13 being out of normal school completing their exams.

At the weekend we enjoyed a rugby fixture against St Olave’s School with a number of good wins.  As always, it was great seeing the camaraderie and spirit amongst the players and the manner in which the games were played.  Well done to the players and thank you to the staff who support them.

Also at the weekend the RAF cadets successfully competed for the Royal Air Squadron Trophy, placing second overall qualifying for the National Royal Air Squadron Trophy next February.  Many thanks for everyone who took part in the team, bringing the RAF competition team back to the top, beating a number of their school rivals.

We started the week welcoming Year 13 back from their mock exams and wishing Year 11 good fortunes with the start to theirs.  Year 11 will be completing their exams over the next two weeks, and both year groups will be receiving a report showing the progress they have made since the start of the year.

On Thursday, we welcome a new evening event to the MGS calendar: the Year 9 Performance Night.  We will be entertained by a number of year 9 students in the Performing Arts Building, so do come along.  The evening starts at 6.30pm.

Finally, I wish to congratulate the MGS basketball and football players who have seen lots of recent success. The basketball players have won three of their league games this season as well as beating the organisers of the Kent Cup.  They now progress to the next round.  The MGS football players have also been having a good run over the past few weeks, which I have thoroughly enjoyed watching when the games have been played at home.  Well done to all involved.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Tuesday 15 November 2022

Firstly, I would like to congratulate Hadyn of Barton House for taking part in the UK Youth Parliament on Friday 4 November at the House of Commons.  It was an incredibly prestigious event for Hadyn, gaining some fantastic experience in the world of politics. Well done Haydn.

Huge congratulations also must go to the 1st XV rugby squad who beat Skinners' at the weekend 22-21. It was a nail-biting match to watch, but the players remained calm and brought home the win to the delight of the large crowd. They should be very proud of themselves. 24 hours earlier the U12 rugby squads on Friday afternoon set the tone for the Skinners' fixtures by winning five out of the six matches. Well done all.

Also at the weekend a number of cadets and adult volunteers took part in the Maidstone Remembrance Service on Sunday.  This followed the MGS Remembrance Service that we had on Friday where the entire school community stood for two minutes at 11 o’clock to mark the Armistice.

This week Year 13 are completing their first set of mock examinations in preparation for their A level examinations next summer.  These examinations will provide an idea to all involved where the students are and what they need to do to position themselves well.  Good luck to them all.

On Friday we acknowledge BBC Children in Need.  With Year 13 being out of school completing their mock examinations it is a chance for Year 12 to step up and lead the rest of the school in raising money for the charity.  The usual £1 on the gate for non-uniform will take place as well as seeing the return of the 8-hour Badmintonathon.  Thank you to everyone for their support.

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who came along to enjoy the fireworks on Saturday night at the Parents’ Association Firework Display.  The weather was slightly inclement, but it did not dampen our spirits and enjoyment.  A huge thank you to the Parents’ Association and to all the staff, student and adult volunteers who made the event possible.

Thank you also to the students and staff who took part in the weekly rugby fixture against Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, and to the many parents who came along to watch.  Results were mixed, but it was once again an enjoyable occasion particularly because a number of Old Maidstonians came to watch whilst they were on leave from university.

This week we are launching our anti-bullying month in school.  The theme coincides with Anti-Bullying Week, which takes place nationally from Monday 14 November.  Mr Highsted, head of Barton House, will be raising awareness of the campaign in house assemblies all week, and he will also be sharing with the students what we as MGS will be doing to recognise it.  In addition to Mr Highsted, I will also be speaking at the house assemblies to launch the MGS 475 logo competition, as from next academic year MGS will be celebrating its 475th birthday.

On Thursday we welcome parents of year 7 students to attend the Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening.  It will be a first opportunity to hear from their child’s teachers about the progress their child has made since they started their journey as a Maidstonian.  I am sure the evening will be a positive one.

In addition, on Friday, it being 11 November, we will be having a Remembrance service to recognise the Armistice and the many fallen Old Maidstonians who lost their lives during conflict.  It is always a reflective occasion and one that MGS will always acknowledge.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Welcome to the first blog of Term 2.  I hope you all had a wonderful half term break and a well-deserved rest.

We return to school to a busy week.  Over the course of this week, students will be told in assembly about a new opportunity with our food provider, Cucina.  From this week, we will be issuing every student and member of staff an MGS-branded reusable drinks bottle, because by Christmas it is our intention to remove all single-use plastic bottles in the school.  Two new drinks fountains have been installed into the Refectory, and so students wishing to purchase a drink can do so by using their drinks bottles and paying for how much they have.  We hope that this new way of doing things will be appreciated.

Tonight is our first virtual parents’ evening, this time for Year 12.  Parents of year 12 students will have a first opportunity to hear from their child’s teachers about the progress their child has made since the start of the academic year.  I am sure the evening will be a positive one.

On Wednesday evening, it is the turn of parents of year 11 students to attend the Year 11 Information Evening.  The evening is to hear form key staff about what is to come over the next eight months, particularly with GCSE examinations on the horizon, and more pressingly, the process in which students will need to prepare themselves for the sixth form.  Following Wednesday, on Thursday afternoon, Year 11 will have an opportunity to speak to their teachers directly about all things A levels and what they should be doing this year to position themselves well.

Saturday is our biggest event: the MGS Parents’ Association Firework Display.  The PA has run this event for almost 20 years, and during that time it has grown in size and popularity, so much so that last year was the largest yet.  Many members of the MGS community come together to ensure the event goes ahead, so I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to those people and to everyone who will be coming along to support.  If you are keen to come along, and haven’t yet purchased a ticket, please do so online.  There will be no ticket sales on the night.  Gates open at 5pm with the display starting at 7pm.

And finally, congratulations to Jake of Year 11 who was selected to represent England at the World Karate Championships in Turkey over the October half term.  Jake sadly did not medal, but did amazingly well getting through three rounds which a huge achievement at this level.  Well done Jake.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

HM Blog - Tuesday 19 October 2022

Welcome to the last blog of Term 1.  It does not seem we have been at school for seven weeks.  The term has been a good one, and one where we have seen a number of success stories that have been worthy of acknowledging.  Only on Saturday were we able to welcome many parents and visitors on site to enjoy the annual rugby fixture against Cranbrook School.  With it being the last game before the half term we made it more of an event, offering refreshments and conversation after the games.  A huge thank you to the players, staff, parents, and Old Maidstonians who made it an enjoyable morning.

As well as acknowledging the rugby at the weekend, I also wish to thank the performers, staff and parents who supported the Autumn Showcase last week.  It was an evening full of high quality talent with students eager to shine in front of their peers and their families.  Well done to everyone, and thank you to Mrs Brooks, Mrs Edwards and Mr Bourne for hosting.

Today we again open our doors to the wider community and welcome families of prospective students to see the school at work at our Year 6 Open Morning.  Last Friday, at our first open morning, we were incredibly busy, so I am sure today will be no different.  The week of open events culminates on Thursday when we welcome everyone in again at our Year 6 Open Evening.  At that event the entire school will be open to walk around, see the many exhibitions that we put on, as well as hearing from me and our school captain about what life is like at MGS.  As always, the people who sell MGS are the students.  They are a credit to their school as well as to themselves, and are our ambassadors.  Thank you to everyone who will be helping.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Tuesday 11 October 2022

This week we begin the process of looking forward to September 2023 and welcoming perspective year 6 boys and their parents to our first Year 6 Open Morning.  On Friday, we open our doors to those families wishing to consider MGS as a viable choice for next year, and helping at that event will be the current Year 7 who are best placed to talk about the School and what it is like being a Maidstonian.  We look forward to welcoming everyone then.

At the weekend, we enjoyed a glorious day of sunshine watching our rugby squads compete against Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, Rochester.  Once again, the results across the squads were mixed, but the senior 1st XV squad led by example bringing home a win 22 – 5.  Well done to the players and thank you to the members of staff and volunteers who continue to support the players not only on match days, but also throughout each week at training.

Today we wish good luck to a number of Maidstonians who are taking part in the first round of the National Cross Country Competition.  If you recall, last year we had three Maidstonians progress to the final of the competition, which took place in Devon.  Best wishes to them all.

And, on Thursday we look forward to the first performing arts showcase of the year.  Our budding musicians and actors will be performing at the Autumn Showcase: an event that celebrates the talents of a number of Maidstonians.  Included in the showcase will be: Pirates of the Caribbean from the MGS Concert Band, Gabriel’s Oboe from the MGS Strings, Seize The Day from the MGS Singers and Blinding Lights from the MGS Big Band. Do come along; the showcase begins at 6.30pm in the Big Hall.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Tuesday 4 October 2022

I cannot believe we are already in October.  This is the time of year when some of us start to put the heating on!

Last Friday we all enjoyed our first non-uniform day to acknowledge MacMillan Coffee Morning.  Staff, students, parents and friends of MGS came together to enjoy a cuppa and a slice of cake.  It was a wonderful day and one that illustrated our community spirit.  And at the end of the day we collected £1,857.93 for the charity. Thank you to Mrs Cook for leading the day, and for the prefects for their support.

As well as MacMillan Coffee Morning we also ran a team building day for Year 12.  Students from Year 12 spent the day completing a variety of activities and challenges to further strengthen new friendships and relationships amongst the year group.  I hope the students enjoyed themselves.

Within sport, we saw some upsetting results across both football and rugby last week, but at the same time we saw great team spirit and pride.  Sadly, for Year 10, both our U15 XI and U15 XV teams lost against Oakwood Park Grammar School in football and rugby respectively, and the 1st XV lost in the National Cup against Skinners’ School 34 - 29.  This last result, even though not in our favour, reflects how close the game was – in fact we were leading at one point 24 – 22.  The players played incredibly well, and was a stark difference to the 60 – 5 loss at the start of the season.  At the weekend rugby fixture against Beths Grammar School, only three squads were playing: the U13A squad sadly lost at home 45 – 25, but the away teams of the U14A and U15A brought back two wins, 65 – 0 and 22 – 5 respectively.

This week we welcome parents of year 7 students to attend their respective Year 7 House Welcome Event.  Tomorrow we welcome parents of Barton and College, and Thursday will be for Corpus Christi and Tonbridge.  The events are designed to give parents a flavour of what their sons have experienced in the first four weeks of the year.   

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Tuesday 27 September 2022

I start this week’s blog by acknowledging a Maidstonian’s efforts in the community.  I received news last week that a student of MGS had helped a distressed member of the public who had fallen and hurt themselves.  The student in question heard a cry for help and offered assistance – calling an ambulance and remaining with the person until help arrived.   The member of the public ended up being fine.  It is always pleasing to receive news like this about a Maidstonian, but also to know that there is still a lot of good in the world.  Thank you very much.

Last week we saw mixed fortunes with the senior football squads.  The 2nd XI squad beat Cornwallis School 11 – 4, but the 3rd XI lost against Oakwood Park School 3 – 1.  The 1st XI match against Queen Elizabeth School, Faversham was sadly postponed.

On Saturday, playing Eltham College, we had a better ‘day at the office’ with our rugby squads following last weekend’s disappointing performance.  There were mixed results amongst the junior squads, but the two U14 squads won 22 – 5 and 63 – 7.  I am also delighted to say that both senior squads led by example, returning to MGS with two more wins.  The 2nd XV won 61 – 7, and the 1st XV won 35 – 7.  Congratulations to the players.

On Friday this week we are holding our first charity day to acknowledge MacMillan Coffee Morning.  Students will be allowed to wear non-uniform, and there will be cakes available in the Hall at break.  A letter has already gone out inviting parents to attend.  Do come along.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Today’s blog comes after a very reflective period of national mourning, culminating in the State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II.  Last Friday the entire MGS community came together to remember her life and acknowledge her death, which with the good weather, resulted in a lovely occasion.  The conduct of the students was exemplary, and illustrated how many young people feel about the recent news.

On Saturday the first weekend rugby fixture took place against Gravesend Grammar School.  All teams, along with a couple of basketball teams, played away at Gravesend, but sadly, many of the results did not go in our favour.  The 1st XV match, for example, ended 60 – 5, which I think is the biggest loss the senior players have experienced for a very long time. But, what was good was the spirit I saw amongst the players and the support they gave each other.  A steep learning curve for us, though.

Throughout the week this week, form tutors will be meeting with their year 13 tutees to discuss the coming year, the students’ thoughts for when they leave MGS, and how they are positioning themselves in order to achieve their potential.  This mirrors a very similar week last week for Year 11.

Tonight we invite parents of year 9 students into the school to attend the Year 9 Information Evening, which was postponed from Monday.  The evening is an opportunity to hear from key staff about the year ahead as the students embark on the first year of their GCSE studies.

Tomorrow we are welcoming over 1000 people into the school to attend the Higher Education Fair, which is taking place in the Hall from 5pm.  Over 50 higher education and apprenticeship organisations will be attending, providing information and guidance to people across Maidstone who are considering their plans for the future.  

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Welcome to my first blog of the 2022-23 academic year.  I hope you and your families had a good summer holiday and are now looking forward to progressing through a new year.

Sadly, the start of term has been overshadowed by the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.  The news of her death became apparent during the day last Thursday, and I am sure like me, you went home keeping a close eye and ear on developments.  Since the official announcement just after 6.30pm on Thursday, we at school have been responding to government guidance and making preparations to acknowledge the news more formally as one MGS community.  This will take place at some point in the next week.

Despite the news of HM Queen Elizabeth II, life at school has, and will, continue.

Last week, we welcomed the entire school back and acknowledge it with a whole school assembly in the Quad.  I always look forward to leading the first assembly of the year because it is one of very few occasions when the entire MGS community: students and staff are gathered together in one place.  As the school continues to grow in size, this year MGS is at its largest with over 1550 members.  Standing in the Quad at that assembly looking at back at everyone is very special indeed, as it reminds me that even though we are all different, we are also all connected.  We are all Maidstonians. 

Apart from the start of a new academic year, last week we also held our Upper School Speech Day on Friday.  At that event, a number of students from last year’s upper school were presented with prizes to acknowledge their academic performances and achievements.  This year’s guest of honour was Mrs Naomi Lumutenga, an Old Maidstonian herself, who taught at MGS for 23 years.  Sadly, the weather did not allow the event to take place in the Quad, but it was still a wonderful occasion, and a lovely way to end the week. 

On Friday, our newest students in Year 7 enjoyed a morning of team building activities as well as an opportunity to try out for the school rugby squads.  They had tremendous fun getting to know each other, and hopefully made some new friends.

This week we begin to make headway in some of the more operational aspects of the school.  Throughout the week form tutors will be arranging meetings with their year 11 tutees to discuss with them their thoughts and plans for the future and what the students need to do to position themselves well for their exams next year.  In addition, on Thursday we invite all students to have their annual photograph taken as well as inviting parents of Year 12 to attend our Year 12 Information Evening.

Outside of these events, the first sporting fixtures begin starting with the senior football players playing a match against Oakwood Park and the senior rugby players playing in the first round of the National Cup.  Within performing arts, budding actors and performers are invited to audition for this year’s production, Shrek; and the first parade takes place across the CCF. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Tuesday 20 July 2022

Welcome to my last blog of the 2021-22 academic year and one that I am writing during a red weather warning.  Temperatures in school today will probably reach 40oC: a temperature never experienced before in the UK let alone at MGS.  Like the last two years of the pandemic have taught me, and which I mentioned in my speech at the Lower School Speech Day last Friday, we humans adapt to what is put in front of us, and so this mini heatwave we are experiencing is just one more obstacle to deal with, and deal with it we will. 

This week, as well trying to stay as cool as possible, we hopefully are going to be enjoying Sports Day: a day that we have not had since 2019.  We hope the temperatures drop enough after today to allow the entire school community to be outside and compete in their houses to try to win the MGS Sports Day Cup.  Fingers crossed.

Finally, I would like to thank the entire school community for another successful year at MGS.  It continues to be an absolute pleasure being the headmaster, and being in the company of so many fine Maidstonians.  Get a rest, have a wonderful holiday, and we will see each other in September.

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Firstly, I would like to thank the members of staff who led and supported the numerous activities during last week’s Extended Learning Week.  The theme of the week, following two years of being stuck indoors, was MGS Outside, and so seeing hundreds of Maidstonians being allowed to be children once more was wonderful.  I hope they all had a great time.

As we approach the summer holiday, this week is a busy one.  Yesterday we welcomed parents of Year 8 into the school to attend a newly created event that acknowledged the two years their sons had been at MGS.  Sadly, due to the pandemic, yesterday was the first time many of them had actually stepped foot into the school, so having them all together and hearing from us was a good thing to do.  Thank you all for coming.

Tomorrow we formally say goodbye to Year 13 at the Year 13 Leavers’ Prom, which this year is being held at Leeds Castle.  The weather is looking to be glorious, so it will be nice to see the leaving Maidstonians in their finest in the early evening sun.

On Friday we acknowledge the founding of the School at our Founders’ Day Church Service, and celebrate a number of academic achievements of years 7 to 10 at our Lower School Speech Day.  We have not been able to do this since 2019, so it will be good once again to bring the whole school community together to recognise an important day.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1888 the Archbishop of Canterbury awarded a Doctorate of Music to Mr. Henniker (the master who wrote the music to the school song).  And, after 134 years, we are still singing it.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

5 July 2022

I wish to begin this week’s blog by saying how proud I am of the MGS Parents’ Association for being awarded first prize at the recent National PTA Awards.  Huge congratulations to the PA, and to Sarah Hudson who has led the PA for a number of years.  Great job!

Last Thursday we welcomed back to MGS Oli and Billy Leyland (Old Maidstonians from 2019 and 2021).  The two brothers, accompanied by London Broncos Rugby League Club, returned to their Kent roots to coach a number of our own senior rugby players.  Meridian TV was also in attendance to capture the training session and speak to a number of our players.  The players thoroughly enjoyed picking up a rugby ball once more and being in the company of two fine Maidstonians.  Thank you to Mr Ferguson, Mr Saunders, London Broncos, and of course Oli and Billy.

In other Old Maidstonian news, Daniel Jones (OM 2017) and Oliver Evans (OM 2018) both rowed at last week’s prestigious Henley Royal Regatta.  Oli competed for Maidstone Invicta Rowing Club in the Thames Cup, and Dan competed in the Double Sculls Challenge Cup for Leeds Rowing Club.  Sadly they both got knocked out in their respective first rounds, but to qualify for Henley is an achievement in itself.  Well done gents.

This week is Extended Learning Week, which we have not been able to run since 2019.  Years 7 to 9 are taking part in a range of activities from walking in the Kent countryside to outdoor photography, whilst years 10 and 12 are completing valuable work experience to help them better prepare themselves for the world ahead.  I look forward to hearing how it all went when the students return to school next week.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1895 the annual river picnic organised by the headmaster's wife was held at the Chequers, Teston.  The whole school travelling to the site in boats. Also, in 1895, the whole school was invited to the Mayor's garden party along with all the girls from the Girls Grammar School. 

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Tuesday 28 June 2022

A huge thank you to the parents, staff and students who helped support the MGS Parents’ Association Summer Fair on Saturday.  The weather held for a glorious day of fun and food, with many attendees going home with a souvenir of their day.  Thank you all very much for coming along. 

Even though many of our year 11 and year 13 students finished their exams last week, yesterday marked the official end of them.  Well done to all the students and thank you to the huge staff team that supported the students along the way.  Now they can all have a good rest.

Yesterday we welcomed over 200 students to MGS to take part in our Sixth Form Induction Week.  Throughout this week students thinking of joining the MGS Sixth Form will experience what it is like being a sixth from student.  They will have lessons in their chosen subjects, opportunities to use the library and sixth form common room, and take part in a few ‘getting to know’ you activities.  We hope they have a good week.

On Thursday we are looking forward to the Summer Showcase which will include a number of music and drama performances including extracts from Aladdin.  Do come along.  It starts at 6.30pm in the Big Hall.

On Friday we acknowledge the end of Pride Month with an MGS BBQ in the Quad and a performance from The Madam, a local cabaret drag act, who will sing a few songs and talk about her life. 

Congratulations to Lucas of Tonbridge House who won this year’s Year 7-9 Spelling Bee Competition. He won a £20 Amazon voucher and 120 points for his house.  The runner-up was Mark of Barton House. Well done to both of them, and thank you to Miss Wilson, Mr Highsted and Mr Amin for their help.

Congratulations must also go to Theo R of Corpus Christi House who won the Kent Schools U15 800m race two weeks ago and won the Inter County Schools 800m last Saturday.  He has been selected to run at the English Schools Athletics Competition in Manchester in a couple of weeks.  Well done Theo.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1932, the year that the Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened, the first Mars bar was sold and the first Christmas broadcast was made by the monarch, the MGS swimming pool was opened?  Sadly, the swimming pool was replaced many years ago with two tennis courts.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Firstly, I would to thank Corpus Christi House for arranging the Pride Bake-Off Competition and cake sale last Friday. There were plenty of rainbow-themed cakes on sale for everyone to enjoy, and out of the ten competition entries, Kai B of Corpus Christi House came away as the winner. Congratulations Kai.

This week the GCSE and A Level examinations begin to come to an end. Many of the big examinations will finish this week so I expect years 11 and 13 will be looking forward to a well-deserved rest. To acknowledge Year 13 finishing, the Year 13 Leavers' Tea will be taking place on Thursday. It is an event that dove-tails with the book collection day where we say goodbye to the students before they venture onto the next phase of their lives.

This Saturday the MGS Parents’ Association Summer Fair takes place.  Sadly, due to the pandemic, the Parents’ Association has not been able to host its annual fair, so this Saturday’s event is hoping to be a successful one.  Do come along; doors open at 12pm.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1888 Mr. Henniker, the teacher who wrote the music to the school song, was awarded a Doctorate of Music by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Last Friday we all enjoyed coming to school wearing rainbow-coloured clothing to acknowledge Pride month as well as helping the Parents’ Association for their upcoming Summer Fair which will be held on Saturday 25 June.  Thank you to everyone who supported the day.

As part of Pride month, yesterday we welcomed an Old Maidstonian and former School Vice-Captain back into school to share with a group of students what it was like for him growing up at MGS as part of the LGBT+ community.  The ‘In conversation’ event was well received, and hopefully will be the trigger for similar events in the future.  Thank you to everyone who came along.

Tomorrow the MGS Art Department is hosting its annual Art Exhibition in the Big Hall: an event that shows off the many talents of our budding art students.  The event is free to come along to and starts at 4pm.  Do join us.

Congratulations to the MGS 1st XI cricket squad who enjoyed playing against the MCC last week.  Sadly, the MGS players lost the match (MCC scored 300 runs, MGS scored 138), but they had an amazing experience playing against some incredibly talented players.  Thank you to Mr Saunders for arranging the fixture.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1668 the 13th headmaster, John Law, was admonished for frequenting alehouses. Twenty three years later he was indicted for murder, but refused to leave the school buildings until an order was given by the Queen!

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Welcome to Term 6 and the last term of the academic year. It is incredible to think that there are only seven weeks before we break for the summer holiday. I hope you all had a good half term and an enjoyable Jubilee weekend.

Yesterday marked the beginning of Pride month and the start of a number of activities and events that the School is putting on to acknowledge the month. Mr Terrell and I shared with the school how important the month is to us at the first quad assembly of the year. We hope many take part. 

 Also, yesterday marked the start of a week-long series of house teas that we are putting on to say hello to our newest Maidstonians who are starting Year 7 in September. Sadly, due to the pandemic, we have not been able host such events over the last couple of years, so we hope that they go well and are able to enjoy a spell of fine weather.

And of course, picking up from where they left off, Year 11 and Year 13 continue with their GCSE and A Level exams. Good luck to them all.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1554 the School was closed for 4 years following Maidstone's sympathy with Sir Thomas Wyatt and cancellation of the town's charter.  The Princess Elizabeth (later Elizabeth I) was imprisoned in the Tower of London by Queen Mary.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Firstly, I would like to congratulate the U13 football squad for winning the Maidstone District Final last Tuesday, beating Valley Park School 1 - 0.  It was a hard fought game throughout, particularly during the last 10 minutes when Valley Park School were trying desperately to equalise and take the game into extra time.  Fortunately we held them off and in doing so secured the third Maidstone District final win in the last two weeks.  Well done boys, and thank you Mr Saunderson for leading the team all season.

This week the GCSE examination continue for Year 11, but now the bulk of the A Level examinations begin for Year 13.  Good luck to them all.

Good luck also to the 1st XI cricket squad who are taking part in the Kent Cup semi-final this week.  They have a good run, so fingers crossed for more success.

Last Friday a number of parents, staff and friends of MGS enjoyed a night of questions at the Parents’ Association Quiz Night.  The winning team was ‘Hudson’ who led the way almost from the start.  Well done to them and thank you to the Parents’ Association, Mrs Friend and the student helpers for supporting the event.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1884, the year in which Greenwich Meridian and Mean Times were adopted, the Old Maidstonian Society was formed: an organisation that ensures many former students remain in contact with the school and each other.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Tuesday 16 May 2022

This week is the start of the public examinations. GCSEs began yesterday with RS, and continue for the rest of the week with a number of different subjects including science, mathematics and English. Next week the A Level examinations begin. Good luck to all students in years 11 and 13.

Yesterday Year 12 returned to school following their UCAS examinations. With Year 13 on study leave, Year 12 are now the leaders of the school, so they now have even more of a role to play.

Today the U13 football squad play in the Maidstone District Final. They follow the U15 and U16 squads who played their finals a couple of weeks ago. Good luck to the squad.

On Friday the Parents' Association Quiz Night is finally taking place - it has been postponed twice already due to Covid. This event is one of the first events that the Parents' Association has been able to hold for over two years. Hopefully a good evening will be had by all. Tickets are still available from the Bursary. Quiz starts at 7.30pm.

Congratulations to Henry N College House who has been accepted to join the Commandant’s Advisory Panel for RAFAC CCF, one of three from entire RAF CCF.  This group of cadets will help RAFAC HQ to understand the lived in experience of cadets and will help to inform for decisions on RAFAC direction.

Congratulations also to Jake W of Tonbridge House who came top of the recently sat UK Junior Mathematics Challenge.  He achieved a gold certificate, scoring 108 pints.  Well done Jake.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1871 one famous building was opened, the Royal Albert Hall and the school relocated to its purpose built building in Tonbridge Road.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Firstly, congratulations to both the U15 and U16 football squads who won their respective Maidstone District finals 5 – 2 and 6 - 0.  Both games were played with spirit and enthusiasm, attracting a large number of fellow Maidstonians in support.  Well done to all players, and thank you to Mr Terrell and Mr Hughes for leading the squads during the season.  The same U15 squad played in the Kent Cup Final on Friday at Bromley Football Club but sadly lost 2 – 0.  The players were of course disappointed, but they played the game right up to the final whistle with hope and guts.  Bad luck boys.

This week Year 12 continue with their UCAS exams and return to normal lessons next week.  Once they return, the GCSE and A Level examinations begin for the following six weeks involving both Year 11 and Year 13 and so this week they approach the end of their time as being Maidstonians.  Year 13 leave on Friday with Year 11 finishing at some point during the week.  Best wishes to them all.

Tonight parents of Year 9 have an opportunity to meet their son’s teachers at the Year 9 Virtual Parents’ Evening.  Following eight months of GCSE studies tonight provides a good opportunity for parents to understand how things are progressing.  I am sure it will be a positive night.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1930 when workhouses were abolished in the UK the Junior School from Brunswick House was incorporated into the new main school in Barton Road – the school that we are in now.


Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Following on from last Thursday’s 2nd XI Football Kent Cup Final, this week there is a football final being played each night after school.  Tonight the U15 squad compete in the Maidstone District Final, on Wednesday and Thursday the U13 and U16 squads play in their respective Maidstone District finals, and on Friday the U15 play again in the Kent Cup Final.  Sadly, the 2nd XI last Thursday lost their final 1 – 0 to Tunbridge Boys Grammar School, but it is hoped that this week’s matches bring some alternative results.  Good luck to all players, and thank you to Mr Terrell and Mr Hughes for supporting them.

Today marks the beginning of Mental Health Month at MGS.  Led by Tonbridge House, throughout the month of May we will be focusing our attention on mental health and wellbeing with the strapline, ‘You Are Not Alone’.  Mental health amongst young people is a huge issue, and so it is hoped that the focus throughout May will shine a light on a very important subject.

This week each house will have their last house assembly with a full complement of students.  Year 11 and Year 13 leave at some point next week, so this week is the last chance for the heads of house to wish those students best of luck for the upcoming exams.  As well as saying goodbye, this week’s assemblies are also being used for Miss Johnson to feedback on the recent student gender equality surveys.  During Gender Equality Month, a number of students completed our Gender Equality survey, and so it is important that they now hear the results of what they said. 

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1931, possibly due to the relocation of MGS in 1930, the cross-country run, known as ‘The Aylesford Run’ was changed to include more of Mote Park and less of the hop-fields.  It was still known by that name up to 1937 at least, so presumably the runners travelled to Aylesford and back.  Perhaps another reason for the change was to abide by the newly introduced Highway Code!

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Tuesday 26 April 2022

At the weekend we saw the first cricket fixture of the year.  Two teams played, the U13 and U14, both playing and beating Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School.  A great start to the season.  Let us hope the weather stays fine for a long season ahead.

Today Year 9 return to normal lessons following five days of examinations - they now need to wait a short while before receiving their results.  And, tonight is the Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening: an event that provides the first opportunity for parents to hear how their sons are doing.  I am sure it will be positive.

Tomorrow we welcome Year 6 and their parents to the Year 6 Welcome Evening.  We have not been able to host such an event since April 2019, so we are delighted to be able to welcome our newest Maidstonians into the school.  The evening begins a series of events that contribute to our induction programme, which include our house teas in June and our Year 7 Induction Day in July.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1828, when the first electric motor was made, the school was already 279 years old and its 25th headmaster, Thomas Harrison, was appointed.  One year later, in 1829, the first police force was established.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Welcome back to a new term; I hope you all had a good Easter break.

Over the holiday, we had two pieces of good news. The cadets from the CCF Army Section took part in Cambrian Patrol Competition at Sennybridge, Wales.  The cadets did really well, receiving a silver medal. This is a fantastic achievement.  Well done. In addition, congratulations to Oliver of Year 10 and Tonbridge House who picked up a gold medal at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Junior National Championships.  The event took place in Wolverhampton, and is one of the largest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions in the UK.  Well done Oliver.

We return this week with year 9 students sitting their exams.  Due to the disruption over the last two years this is the first real chance for the students to sit formal examinations.  Coming two-thirds the way through Year 9, the exams will provide a good indication of how the students are doing.  Good luck Year 9.


Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Tuesday 29 March 2022

On Saturday we welcomed many Old Maidstonians back to MGS to attend the Old Maidstonian Sports Day.  During the afternoon we enjoyed a round robin tournament of football involving many Old Maidstonian teams as well as a few teams of current students.  MGS won!  This was then followed by the MGS vs. Old Maidstonian rugby match which was won this year by the Old Maidstonians.  A huge thank you to Mr Ferguson, Mr Saunders, Mr Terrell, the Cucina caterers, the sixth from prefects and of course the players for making it all possible.  A great day was had by all.

Yesterday we continued welcoming Old Maidstonians back to MGS inviting them to our A Level Certificate Presentation Evening.  About 50 former students from last year’s Year 13 cohort attended the event which was warmly received, particularly because we have not been able to stage such an event since 2019. 

Today is the Virtual Year 10 Parents’ Evening.  Parents and students will hear from subject teachers about progress made to date, and what the next year looks like building up the GCSE examinations in the summer of 2023.

Tomorrow and Thursday we will be enjoying two evenings of The History Boys: the first staged performance at MGS since 2019.  The cast and crew have been rehearsing since September and are looking forward to putting on a performance in front of a live audience.  Tickets are £5 and can be purchased from the School Bursary.

Friday is the end of term and is marked this year with, fingers crossed, our whole school photograph.  The last time we had a whole school photograph was back in September 2014, so it has been a long time coming.  I say fingers crossed because we need good weather, but as long as it is dry, it is full steam ahead.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know when Maidstone Grammar Schools was celebrating its 300th anniversary, Harrods Store was just opening for the first time in London. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Firstly, I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the charity day on Friday.  Not only were we supporting Comic Relief we were also supporting the DEC Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.  As well as the usual contribution in the morning to dress down for the day, other activities took place during the day to raise money for these two very important causes.  The highlights of the day were the staff vs. students touch rugby match at lunch (which was of course won by the students) and the five-hour inter-house relay marathon completed by staff and students across the four houses.  Thank you MGS for a great day.

Over the weekend, Theo of Year 9 represented Kent Schools AA at the English Schools Cross Country Championship on Saturday.  He comfortably finished in the top 30 out of over 300 runners.  Well done Theo.

Before I look ahead to this week I wish to acknowledge and congratulate the MGS basketball players who took part in an MGS vs. Oakwood Park tournament.  Players across a variety of ages took part, with all teams bringing home a win.  Well done all, and thank you to Mr Ashenfelter for leading the players. 

This week begins a series of events that invite Old Maidstonians back to their school.  On Friday evening the Old Maidstonian Supper takes place where former students gather together to enjoy a night of good food and conversation.  This is then followed by a new event: the Old Maidstonian Sports Day, where over 150 former students are returning to MGS to play either a game of football or rugby against some of our current students.  A few years of unhealthy living after leaving MGS may certainly make an impact!  Thank you to Mr Ferguson for organising, and to all current and former Maidstonians who made the day possible.  

On Wednesday, as part of Gender Equality Month, we are looking forward to welcoming Dr Andrea Den Boer, a lecturer from the University of Kent, to speak to a group of students about her work and the broader theme of gender equality in society and the work place.

On Thursday the MGS Spring Showcase is taking place where our budding performers will be showing off their talents in an evening of music and performance.  Do come along if you can.  The event is being held in the Big Hall and begins at 6.30pm.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1649 the school celebrated its 100th anniversary in the same year that Rule by Parliament started.  During those 100 years, there had been five monarchs, the defeat of the Armada, the Gunpowder Plot and the sailing of The Pilgrim Fathers to America.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Firstly, I wish to congratulate Callum and Thomas of Year 12 who at the weekend competed in the Oxford University Schools Debating Finals 2022. Although we have had some success with Cambridge debating, this is the first time Maidstone Grammar School has qualified for the Oxford Competition Final. With 210 students competing from four different continents, it was the largest in-person debating competition in the world to be held since the start of the pandemic. Callum and Thomas did incredibly well, placing 66th of 105 schools, narrowly missing out on the Novice Championship in a competition predominantly populated by the world’s leading private schools. Thomas and Callum did an incredible job in representing the school and have now cut a path for future Maidstonians to follow. The Oxford Speaking Union is a famed training ground for future Prime Ministers… you never know!       

Also at the weekend 10 cadets from the CCF Army Section took part in a Military Skills Competition with 25 other sections from schools and ACF in the South East of England. The competition was demanding and MGS performed well in many areas, finishing 10th overall.  Well done cadets, and thank you to the staff who accompanied them

Each day this week a different inter-house sporting competition is taking place to generate some friendly house rivalry as well as win some all-important house points. My event, rowing, is taking place on Thursday. Thank you to everyone taking part and for Mr Highsted for organising.

Today, a company called Meducators is in school working with our aspiring medics from years 10 to 13.  This is the first time we have run such a day and we hope that the students find it helpful in understanding more about their aspirations. 

On Wednesday we are inviting students and their parents into the school to attend the MGS Careers Evening. Over 20 different industries will be on site making short presentations to those students who are interested in that respective career. Thank you to all the presenters, some of whom are Old Maidstonians, and thank you to Mr Rivers for organising.

On Friday we are acknowledging Comic Relief as well as the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Students will be asked to donate £2 on the gate to come to school in non-uniform as well as be invited to take part in other activities that are taking place. The 'must see' event is a staff vs. student touch rugby match that will be taking place on the all-weather pitch at lunch. Good luck to everyone.

And finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know, in 1828, the year that the first electric motor was made, MGS was already 279 years old and had its 25th headmaster?  One year later, in 1829, the first police force was established.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Firstly, thank you to the English Department for leading with the fun and excitement during last week’s World Book Day.  A number of students took part, with the Invisible Man winning the best-dressed student.  Just under £170 was collected during the day, and that money will go towards a charity that helps buy books for those who would be unable to.  Thank you all.

This week is the turn for Year 13 to sit a series of examinations to prepare them for the summer. It is only a couple of months since they sat their first set of examinations, so this second set will provide a further opportunity for the students to understand what they need to do in the last couple of months before the summer. Good luck Year 13.

Today, Tuesday 8 March, is International Women’s Day, which, as a school, is something we are recognising as part of Gender Equality Month.  Throughout March we will be raising awareness and starting conversations about such topics as equality, gender stereotyping and sexual harassment. We will have several external guest speakers, all prominent women, talking about their experiences in business, politics, and the arts.  Our tutor time programme will highlight some of the fantastic work being done to champion gender equality with recognisable figures such as Emma Watson as well as raising awareness about the use of pronouns; and there will be several lunchtime drop-in sessions across a range of subjects including women in STEM and the film industry.

On Thursday night parents of Year 11 get a chance to discuss their son's progress to date at the Year 11 Parents' Evening. We hope the evening is a positive one, and one that provides support for the upcoming few months before the GCSEs.

Finally, from today, I will be including a new item in my weekly blog.  The item will be called Icarus in the Archives: a small anecdotal item at the end of the blog, which comes from the MGS Archives.  I hope you find it interesting.  So did you know, in 1922 the first Shakespearean play, Twelfth Night’ was performed at MGS; the War Office donated two Wireless Telegraphy Sets to the school; and rugby became the school’s official winter sport.  And all of this occurred exactly 100 years ago!


Tuesday, 22 February 2022

22 February 2022

Welcome to Term 4.  I hope you have all had a good half term break, a well-deserved rest, and had a chance to watch some of the Beijing Winter Olympics.  I expect, like me, we have all become curling enthusiasts again!

We are now half way through the academic year, and we start the new term with Year 11 completing another set of mock exams.  We introduced these February mock exams about five years ago, and they have proved to be extremely helpful to all concerned.  These assessments provide a further opportunity for the students to prepare for what is to come in the summer.  We wait and see how the students do.  Best of luck to Year 11.

We also start the new term with searching for the next school captain and school vice-captain.  18 students from Year 12 applied for the posts and just before the half term we whittled them down to eight.  These shortlisted candidates are now going through a two-day rigorous interview process, and by the end of the week we will know who the two successful students are.  For me this time of year is one of my favourite times of the year as I get to spend two days talking with the students who wish to become the following year’s school captain and school vice-captain.  It is a delight being in their company and hearing how they feel about their school.  Good luck to all of them.

Today, right across the World, and here at MGS, we are recognising ‘Twosday’.  Today is 22 February, 2022, or 22/2/22, and it falling on a Tuesday makes it even more special.  I know I will, but I am sure the Maths Department will be sharing this quirky date with the students.

On Friday this week the students will be at home as the staff complete their final inset day of the year.  We would normally have this inset day in June but we have moved it so we can build on the work that we have been doing in school in improving the quality of teaching and learning.  On Friday we will be working with Inner Drive, who are part of Eton College’s educational research programme.  Based on where we believe MGS is we identified this organisation as the ideal partner to help us really think about questioning, assessment and memory retention. This is a fresh approach for us and so we are looking forward to welcoming some outside voices.   

As it is still February we are still recognising LGBT+ History Month, but very soon, when we move into March, we will be expanding our inclusivity agenda and looking at Equality and International Women’s Day.  The feedback we are receiving from the student body about how we are raising the profile of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity has been extremely positive. 

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Firstly, congratulations to the players of the MGS 2nd XI Football Squad who, by beating Simon Langton Grammar School 1 – 0 on Wednesday, have won their respective league.  This is a huge achievement for the players who have worked so hard to achieve this significant goal.  Well done gents, and a huge thank you to the members of staff who supported them throughout the whole season.

Yesterday we acknowledged the 70th anniversary of Accession Day: the day the Queen became Queen Elizabeth II back on 6 February 1952 following the death of her father, HM King George VI.  The Union flag was flown on top of the school gatehouse, the Refectory served food with a Royal theme, and the CCF contingent paraded in school forming the number 70.  Thank you to everyone who took part.

Following yesterday’s celebrations, the Union flag was replaced with the Pride flag once more - acknowledging the month of LGBT+ History Month.  We have received so much positive feedback since we launched our recognition of LGBT+ History Month last week.  It is so pleasing to know that MGS goes on being an incredibly kind and accepting school.

Yesterday we welcomed parents of year 12 students into the school to hear from key staff about the upcoming UCAS process that their children will be now facing.  The time has come for our year 12 students to really start thinking of what life will be like beyond the school gates, and the evening last night hopefully provided a lot of information and guidance about what is to come.

On Wednesday this week parents of year 8 students will attend an evening speaking to their son’s teachers at the Year 8 Virtual Parents’ Evening.  Just like with the Year 12 UCAS Evening, this year 8 event is crucial for the students as it is at this time of the year when they choose their GCSE options.  A lot of work now goes on in school to ensure we create as good a curriculum as possible for each year 8 student.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Tuesday 1 February 2022

On Friday last week Corpus Christi House led the way with the fourth charity day of the year.  A number of fun activities took place around the school including dodgeball, soaking a teacher, and completing a challenging assault course on the all-weather pitch.  Lots of money has been raised for Maidstone Mind, a charity that provides wellbeing support for the people of Maidstone.  Thank you to the staff and students who helped organise the day.

On Saturday a large number of MGS football squads took part in a weekend fixture against Colfe’s School.  It is unusual to have so many football fixtures on a Saturday morning, so it was really good to welcome players and families outside of the usual rugby community to enjoy a few hours of competition.

A couple of weekends ago a number of our students took part in the Schools’ District Cross Country competition.  The year 7 boys came 3rd place, the junior boys came 4th, and the intermediate boys came 6th.  Congratulations to Freddie of Year 7 who came 1st in his race, and Theo of Year 9 who came 6th.

Today marks the beginning of LGBTQ+ History Month, and I am delighted that Maidstone Grammar School for the first time ever in its history is acknowledging it.  In the School's 473-year history we have never really spoken about LGBTQ+ matters in such a public and open way and we have never flown the rainbow flag on top of the gatehouse.  As headmaster, I am extremely proud to be a part of something that is now looking forward and embracing such a key aspect of diversity.  To acknowledge the month, I will be addressing the entire school community in a live broadcast providing some history and context about the journey the LGBTQ+ community has been on.  As well as this we will be flying the rainbow flag, displaying numerous posters around the school acknowledging key LGBTQ+ role models, displaying LGBTQ+ literature in the school library, and putting together a bank of resources for form tutors to use during our weekly form time programme.  Thank you to the staff and students who have helped prepare for this important event.  Maidstone Grammar School goes on being a kind and tolerant school.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Today is the last day where we open our doors to the wider MGS community and invite prospective sixth from students to see what we do at MGS.  These mini post 16 open mornings, which we have run for the last few days, have gone extremely well, and I thank the staff and students who have helped organise them.

On Thursday last week two year 12 students, Thomas and Callum, qualified for the National Finals of the Oxford University Schools Debating Competition. This is one the country’s leading academic competitions and this is the first time that a team of Maidstonians will be representing MGS at the Oxford Union in this event. Well done Thomas and Callum; a remarkable achievement.

Congratulations must also go to the U15 football squad who beat Dane Court 1 – 0 to progress into the semi-finals of the Kent Cup.  Well done boys, and congratulations to Charlie of the squad who scored the winning goal.

On Thursday this week the virtual Year 13 Parents’ Evening takes place which is perfectly timed following the Year 13 Mock Exams that took place a couple of weeks ago.  The evening will provide an excellent opportunity for parents to understand how their children are getting on. 

And on Friday this week the first charity day of 2022 takes place.  Students and staff of Corpus Christi House will be leading the day with the usual non-uniform and fundraising events taking place.

And finally, well done to Alfred of Tonbridge House who, after writing his own book, raised over £1,000 for FareShare: a charity network aimed at relieving food poverty and reducing food waste in the UK.  He has also been invited to present his book at the Faversham Literary Festival next month and will be sharing the stage with a Michelin star chef who Alfred interviewed in the book and kindly agreed to come and support Alfred on the day.  Great job Alfred.


Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Last Wednesday the senior footballers had mixed fortunes in the Kent Cup.  The 1st X1 lost in their quarter-final to Dane Court Grammar School 2 – 1, but the 2nd X1 beat Norton Knatchbull 4 – 3 to reach their respective semi-final.  Well done to the players, and thank you to the staff members who support them.

Congratulations to the year 7 and 8 boys who competed in the Junior Knole Run for the first time last Friday. It was a fantastic event and our boys gave everything.  Out of 211 runners MGS had four in the top 20, and as a team finished 3rd out of the 39 teams.  The boys were a credit to their school.  Well done.

This week Year 13 return to normal school following their mock examinations last week.  Now their teachers will be marking their papers and so results will come out soon.

Also this week we are opening our doors to the wider community and inviting prospective students and their families in to see if the wish to consider MGS as a viable sixth form option.  Sadly, due to the ongoing Covid restrictions we cannot run our normal Post 16 Open Evening, but the five smaller events over five mornings will hopefully go some way in illustrating to perspective students what life is like at MGS.  As well as this we are also inviting our own year 11 students to spend an afternoon in school speaking to subject staff about all things A Levels, and what subjects are right for them.  We hope the students find the opportunity useful.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Welcome to my first blog of 2022.  Happy New Year to you all.  I hope you all had a good Christmas break and an opportunity to catch up with friends and family. 

The new term started last week with us testing those students who consented to have a lateral flow test.  I was delighted when I heard that we had tested the entire school in just one day, which meant that the disruption that it undoubtedly causes was kept to a minimum.  Many thanks to the testing team, which included a number of parents who came in to support.

Sadly, last week we had to cancel our Year 8 Information Evening and our Post 16 Open Morning due to the ongoing restrictions we are all experiencing, but alternative measures and events have already been put in place to provide the essential information that we wish to share.  Details of these will be shared soon.

This week is a relatively quiet week except for Year 13 who have their first set of mock exams.  All schools are being asked to run Plan B alongside Plan A, so Year 11 and Year 13 will be completing three sets of examinations over the course of the year to help their teachers, if required, give Teacher Assessed Grades in the summer.  Good luck to Year 13.