Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who supported last Friday’s BBC Children in Need charity day.  The weather allowed us to have an enjoyable day, which included an eight-hour badmintonathon, a soak the teacher event, and the sale of hundreds of cakes.  We have yet to understand the total amount raised, but it is hoped that we achieve over £2000.  A huge thank you to Year 12 for leading on the day due to Year 13 being out of normal school completing their exams.

At the weekend we enjoyed a rugby fixture against St Olave’s School with a number of good wins.  As always, it was great seeing the camaraderie and spirit amongst the players and the manner in which the games were played.  Well done to the players and thank you to the staff who support them.

Also at the weekend the RAF cadets successfully competed for the Royal Air Squadron Trophy, placing second overall qualifying for the National Royal Air Squadron Trophy next February.  Many thanks for everyone who took part in the team, bringing the RAF competition team back to the top, beating a number of their school rivals.

We started the week welcoming Year 13 back from their mock exams and wishing Year 11 good fortunes with the start to theirs.  Year 11 will be completing their exams over the next two weeks, and both year groups will be receiving a report showing the progress they have made since the start of the year.

On Thursday, we welcome a new evening event to the MGS calendar: the Year 9 Performance Night.  We will be entertained by a number of year 9 students in the Performing Arts Building, so do come along.  The evening starts at 6.30pm.

Finally, I wish to congratulate the MGS basketball and football players who have seen lots of recent success. The basketball players have won three of their league games this season as well as beating the organisers of the Kent Cup.  They now progress to the next round.  The MGS football players have also been having a good run over the past few weeks, which I have thoroughly enjoyed watching when the games have been played at home.  Well done to all involved.