Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Welcome to my first blog of the 2022-23 academic year.  I hope you and your families had a good summer holiday and are now looking forward to progressing through a new year.

Sadly, the start of term has been overshadowed by the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.  The news of her death became apparent during the day last Thursday, and I am sure like me, you went home keeping a close eye and ear on developments.  Since the official announcement just after 6.30pm on Thursday, we at school have been responding to government guidance and making preparations to acknowledge the news more formally as one MGS community.  This will take place at some point in the next week.

Despite the news of HM Queen Elizabeth II, life at school has, and will, continue.

Last week, we welcomed the entire school back and acknowledge it with a whole school assembly in the Quad.  I always look forward to leading the first assembly of the year because it is one of very few occasions when the entire MGS community: students and staff are gathered together in one place.  As the school continues to grow in size, this year MGS is at its largest with over 1550 members.  Standing in the Quad at that assembly looking at back at everyone is very special indeed, as it reminds me that even though we are all different, we are also all connected.  We are all Maidstonians. 

Apart from the start of a new academic year, last week we also held our Upper School Speech Day on Friday.  At that event, a number of students from last year’s upper school were presented with prizes to acknowledge their academic performances and achievements.  This year’s guest of honour was Mrs Naomi Lumutenga, an Old Maidstonian herself, who taught at MGS for 23 years.  Sadly, the weather did not allow the event to take place in the Quad, but it was still a wonderful occasion, and a lovely way to end the week. 

On Friday, our newest students in Year 7 enjoyed a morning of team building activities as well as an opportunity to try out for the school rugby squads.  They had tremendous fun getting to know each other, and hopefully made some new friends.

This week we begin to make headway in some of the more operational aspects of the school.  Throughout the week form tutors will be arranging meetings with their year 11 tutees to discuss with them their thoughts and plans for the future and what the students need to do to position themselves well for their exams next year.  In addition, on Thursday we invite all students to have their annual photograph taken as well as inviting parents of Year 12 to attend our Year 12 Information Evening.

Outside of these events, the first sporting fixtures begin starting with the senior football players playing a match against Oakwood Park and the senior rugby players playing in the first round of the National Cup.  Within performing arts, budding actors and performers are invited to audition for this year’s production, Shrek; and the first parade takes place across the CCF.