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Welcome to the MGS Headteachers's Blog.

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Tuesday 20 July 2022

Welcome to my last blog of the 2021-22 academic year and one that I am writing during a red weather warning.  Temperatures in school today will probably reach 40oC: a temperature never experienced before in the UK let alone at MGS.  Like the last two years of the pandemic have taught me, and which I mentioned in my speech at the Lower School Speech Day last Friday, we humans adapt to what is put in front of us, and so this mini heatwave we are experiencing is just one more obstacle to deal with, and deal with it we will. 

This week, as well trying to stay as cool as possible, we hopefully are going to be enjoying Sports Day: a day that we have not had since 2019.  We hope the temperatures drop enough after today to allow the entire school community to be outside and compete in their houses to try to win the MGS Sports Day Cup.  Fingers crossed.

Finally, I would like to thank the entire school community for another successful year at MGS.  It continues to be an absolute pleasure being the headmaster, and being in the company of so many fine Maidstonians.  Get a rest, have a wonderful holiday, and we will see each other in September.