Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Tuesday 27 September 2022

I start this week’s blog by acknowledging a Maidstonian’s efforts in the community.  I received news last week that a student of MGS had helped a distressed member of the public who had fallen and hurt themselves.  The student in question heard a cry for help and offered assistance – calling an ambulance and remaining with the person until help arrived.   The member of the public ended up being fine.  It is always pleasing to receive news like this about a Maidstonian, but also to know that there is still a lot of good in the world.  Thank you very much.

Last week we saw mixed fortunes with the senior football squads.  The 2nd XI squad beat Cornwallis School 11 – 4, but the 3rd XI lost against Oakwood Park School 3 – 1.  The 1st XI match against Queen Elizabeth School, Faversham was sadly postponed.

On Saturday, playing Eltham College, we had a better ‘day at the office’ with our rugby squads following last weekend’s disappointing performance.  There were mixed results amongst the junior squads, but the two U14 squads won 22 – 5 and 63 – 7.  I am also delighted to say that both senior squads led by example, returning to MGS with two more wins.  The 2nd XV won 61 – 7, and the 1st XV won 35 – 7.  Congratulations to the players.

On Friday this week we are holding our first charity day to acknowledge MacMillan Coffee Morning.  Students will be allowed to wear non-uniform, and there will be cakes available in the Hall at break.  A letter has already gone out inviting parents to attend.  Do come along.