Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Firstly, I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the charity day on Friday.  Not only were we supporting Comic Relief we were also supporting the DEC Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.  As well as the usual contribution in the morning to dress down for the day, other activities took place during the day to raise money for these two very important causes.  The highlights of the day were the staff vs. students touch rugby match at lunch (which was of course won by the students) and the five-hour inter-house relay marathon completed by staff and students across the four houses.  Thank you MGS for a great day.

Over the weekend, Theo of Year 9 represented Kent Schools AA at the English Schools Cross Country Championship on Saturday.  He comfortably finished in the top 30 out of over 300 runners.  Well done Theo.

Before I look ahead to this week I wish to acknowledge and congratulate the MGS basketball players who took part in an MGS vs. Oakwood Park tournament.  Players across a variety of ages took part, with all teams bringing home a win.  Well done all, and thank you to Mr Ashenfelter for leading the players. 

This week begins a series of events that invite Old Maidstonians back to their school.  On Friday evening the Old Maidstonian Supper takes place where former students gather together to enjoy a night of good food and conversation.  This is then followed by a new event: the Old Maidstonian Sports Day, where over 150 former students are returning to MGS to play either a game of football or rugby against some of our current students.  A few years of unhealthy living after leaving MGS may certainly make an impact!  Thank you to Mr Ferguson for organising, and to all current and former Maidstonians who made the day possible.  

On Wednesday, as part of Gender Equality Month, we are looking forward to welcoming Dr Andrea Den Boer, a lecturer from the University of Kent, to speak to a group of students about her work and the broader theme of gender equality in society and the work place.

On Thursday the MGS Spring Showcase is taking place where our budding performers will be showing off their talents in an evening of music and performance.  Do come along if you can.  The event is being held in the Big Hall and begins at 6.30pm.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1649 the school celebrated its 100th anniversary in the same year that Rule by Parliament started.  During those 100 years, there had been five monarchs, the defeat of the Armada, the Gunpowder Plot and the sailing of The Pilgrim Fathers to America.