Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Firstly, thank you to the English Department for leading with the fun and excitement during last week’s World Book Day.  A number of students took part, with the Invisible Man winning the best-dressed student.  Just under £170 was collected during the day, and that money will go towards a charity that helps buy books for those who would be unable to.  Thank you all.

This week is the turn for Year 13 to sit a series of examinations to prepare them for the summer. It is only a couple of months since they sat their first set of examinations, so this second set will provide a further opportunity for the students to understand what they need to do in the last couple of months before the summer. Good luck Year 13.

Today, Tuesday 8 March, is International Women’s Day, which, as a school, is something we are recognising as part of Gender Equality Month.  Throughout March we will be raising awareness and starting conversations about such topics as equality, gender stereotyping and sexual harassment. We will have several external guest speakers, all prominent women, talking about their experiences in business, politics, and the arts.  Our tutor time programme will highlight some of the fantastic work being done to champion gender equality with recognisable figures such as Emma Watson as well as raising awareness about the use of pronouns; and there will be several lunchtime drop-in sessions across a range of subjects including women in STEM and the film industry.

On Thursday night parents of Year 11 get a chance to discuss their son's progress to date at the Year 11 Parents' Evening. We hope the evening is a positive one, and one that provides support for the upcoming few months before the GCSEs.

Finally, from today, I will be including a new item in my weekly blog.  The item will be called Icarus in the Archives: a small anecdotal item at the end of the blog, which comes from the MGS Archives.  I hope you find it interesting.  So did you know, in 1922 the first Shakespearean play, Twelfth Night’ was performed at MGS; the War Office donated two Wireless Telegraphy Sets to the school; and rugby became the school’s official winter sport.  And all of this occurred exactly 100 years ago!