Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who came along to enjoy the fireworks on Saturday night at the Parents’ Association Firework Display.  The weather was slightly inclement, but it did not dampen our spirits and enjoyment.  A huge thank you to the Parents’ Association and to all the staff, student and adult volunteers who made the event possible.

Thank you also to the students and staff who took part in the weekly rugby fixture against Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, and to the many parents who came along to watch.  Results were mixed, but it was once again an enjoyable occasion particularly because a number of Old Maidstonians came to watch whilst they were on leave from university.

This week we are launching our anti-bullying month in school.  The theme coincides with Anti-Bullying Week, which takes place nationally from Monday 14 November.  Mr Highsted, head of Barton House, will be raising awareness of the campaign in house assemblies all week, and he will also be sharing with the students what we as MGS will be doing to recognise it.  In addition to Mr Highsted, I will also be speaking at the house assemblies to launch the MGS 475 logo competition, as from next academic year MGS will be celebrating its 475th birthday.

On Thursday we welcome parents of year 7 students to attend the Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening.  It will be a first opportunity to hear from their child’s teachers about the progress their child has made since they started their journey as a Maidstonian.  I am sure the evening will be a positive one.

In addition, on Friday, it being 11 November, we will be having a Remembrance service to recognise the Armistice and the many fallen Old Maidstonians who lost their lives during conflict.  It is always a reflective occasion and one that MGS will always acknowledge.