Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Welcome to the last Headmaster’s Blog of 2018.

Firstly, thank you to Tonbridge House for their charity day last Friday which raised money for Young Minds.  With Christmas being just around the corner the theme for the day had a festive dimension.  Mr Holmes, the head of Tonbridge House, dressed up as a Christmas tree, with many of his prefect team wearing festive jumpers and acting like his little elves.  The highlight of the day was the lip-sync battle in the Hall at lunch, where Mr Holmes had transformed himself from a Christmas tree to Freddie Mercury!  Well done all and thank you for supporting the day.

Continuing the Christmas theme, today and tomorrow the catering team serve the students and staff their Christmas lunch; Barton and College students today and Corpus Christi and Tonbridge houses tomorrow.  Do enjoy the lunch and let us hope the students eat their sprouts!

Tonight after school we invite Old Maidstonians who left last year to return to their school to receive their A Level certificates.  A number of the year group are returning to receive applause for their achievements but also to see each other again and to catch up.  The occasion is always an enjoyable one.

Thursday is the MGS Carol Service which takes place at All Saints Church at 7.30pm.  The Service will follow a traditional format: hearing lessons and singing carols, before we all enjoy a mince pie and glass of mulled wine.  If you are free then please do come along.

And Friday is the end of term before we break up to enjoy a couple of weeks with our friends and family.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Well done and thank you to the entire cast, crew and supporting members of staff for three enjoyable performances of this year’s school pantomime Treasure island.  It was a typical pantomime with cheeky one-liners and cheesy musical numbers, and with of course, audience participation.  Good job everyone.

At the weekend the school rugby squads should have been out in force against The Judd School.  Sadly, due to the water-logged pitches all matches, apart from the 1st XV, were postponed.  The 1st XV squad was able to play away at Judd due to them having an all-weather pitch.  The squad sadly lost 34 – 12, but the score does not reflect the fight and spirit in which the boys played.  For a long time the score line was 10 – 5, but during the second half the wind picked up in Judd’s favour, and so we struggled to get into their half.  Well done boys though for an exciting game to watch.

Tonight is the first school parents’ evening of the year.  Year 12 students and parents will find out how the first term has gone following a very demanding start to sixth form and A Level studies.

Tomorrow and Thursday year 8 students will be off timetable to take part in a careers themed day.  These days signify the start of the process in which the boys begin to think about their futures and how those thoughts will determine what GCSE subjects they will choose for next year.
Also on Thursday, as well as Friday, a group of year 7 students will be enjoying a day out of school visiting Bletchley Park.  The trip is being led by the mathematics and history departments and is one that I have wished to see in schools for many years.  Thank you to Mr Gokool and Mr Wrein for organising.
Friday is a day year 11 students will be aware of.  It is the day the students receive their mock examination results, and following on from last year’s introduction, they will receive them in the same way as they would in August next year.  Good luck boys and make sure you learn from what you receive.
Also on Friday we are looking forward to the second house charity day of the year, this time it is Tonbridge House’s turn.  The house is raising money for Young Minds and will involve the usual non-uniform arrangements, Tonbridge tutors dressing up as Christmas characters, but will also include a Lip-Sync Battle in the Hall between staff and students.  Also this charity day dovetails with our annual ‘Quid And A Can’ Appeal where we ask students to not only contribute a £1 for wearing non-uniform, but also to bring a food item which can be donated to the local homeless charity.  Thank you in advance for all of the organisation and support.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Tuesday 4 December 2018

I cannot believe it is December already.  With only three weeks of term left, where did the last three months go?

Last week we spent two days interviewing candidates for the role of Deputy Head.  I am delighted to announce that Misis Johnson has been successfully appointed.  Following the two-day rigorous process across a variety of tasks and interview panels Miss Johnson displayed both passion and exceptional leadership qualities.  She will be an outstanding deputy headteacher.  I am sure you will join me in congratulating her and wishing her the best in her new role.  

We returned to school on Monday following a weekend when the CCF cadets enjoyed their first recruit camp.  A number of younger cadets experienced their first opportunity being out in the field supported and accompanied by staff and more senior cadets.  The weather played its part sadly, particularly on Saturday, but everyone returned with smiles.
Also at the weekend, MGS competed for the first time against 15 other grammar schools at Maidstone Crown Court in the Bar Mock Trial. 16 students across key stages 4 and 5 represented the school and put in an excellent performance.  Many thanks to Mr Ferguson who accompanied them.

The main focus for this week is the school pantomime.  Technical and dress rehearsals take place today and tomorrow in preparation for three performances of Treasure Island on Thursday, Friday and Saturday starting at 7pm.  Good luck to the entire cast and crew, and thank you to the members of staff who have been supporting the students over these last couple of months.  Do come along, tickets are still available.

Congratulations to three students: Marcus Stephens of Barton House who has been awarded a Try Angle Award that recognises exceptional achievement and good work of young people and  Matthew Hau of Barton House and Joseph Pickard of College House who both took part in the recent Maidstone Music Festival, and have been invited to perform at the Maidstone Young Musician competition for 2019.  Well done boys.


Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Tuesday 27 November 2018

I would like to start by saying that I had a thoroughly enjoyable evening last Thursday night at the annual Old Maidstonian Society London Event.  Each November the Old Maidstonian Society stages a reunion event in London inviting former students and staff to enjoy an evening together.  There were over 40 people at The George Inn, Southwark, who all had an affiliation to the school, including former students who left recently in 2014 to one who left in 1948.  Thank you to the Old Maidstonian Committee who organised the event and to Mr Paul Smith, the president of the society, for hosting.
Last Wednesday we said goodbye, temporarily, to Mrs Sissons who left to begin her maternity leave.  She is expecting to give birth in the next couple of weeks, so it is going to be an early Christmas present for her and her husband!  Best wishes Mrs Sissons and we look forweard to seeing her and the new baby next year.
At the weekend the rugby squads were out in force against St Olave’s.  The senior and U13A squads were at home and the U15 and U14 squads were away.  I am pleased to say that MGS had a clean sweep: all of the squads brought home a win.  Well done boys.
Also at the weekend MGS hosted the South East Region Cambridge University Schools’ Debating Competition.  A number of different grammar and independent schools across the region arrived at MGS at 9.45am for a day of rigorous debate and opinion sharing.  Thank you to Mr Ferguson and Ms Johnson who led the day and to the students who took part and helped organise.  It is hoped that we can host the event again next year and that high level debating becomes part of what we do at MGS.
Yesterday and today are busy days as we are interviewing candidates for the position of Deputy Headteacher.  Mrs Sewell is retiring at the end of the academic year so we are looking to fill her shoes with someone who can continue and further develop her work.  It is hoped that the governing body can appoint by the end of the day.  Many people are included in the interview process including governors, staff and students.  Not only do the senior prefects guide the candidates around the school but a sample of students across the seven year groups also form a Student Panel that asks each candidate a number of questions.  The student perspective is vital in such appointments.
Year 11 GCSE Mock Exams finished yesterday and now the students are back in the classroom continuing with their studies.  They will find out their results on Friday 14th December.  Throughout the six days of exams the students have conducted themselves incredibly well indeed and were a credit to the School.  Well done boys and thank you.
On Friday I am attending the next Schools’ Funding Forum meeting and the Kent & Medway Grammar Schools’ Association Head of Mathematics Group.  The Forum is a group of people that represent all schools across Kent that discuss how the Local Authority should spend its money; and the Head of Mathematics Group is a group of mathematics teachers that meet to share good practice and discuss how best the subject can be delivered to our students.  Friday, therefore, will be a busy day.
Good luck to the U16 Football Squad who play in the next round of the English Schools’ National Cup on Thursday against Simon Langton Grammar School.
And at the weekend the CCF is going on their recruit camp: the weekend when the new Year 9 cadets enjoy their first camp.  Let us hope the weather remains in their favour.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Firstly, I would like to thank those sixth form students who helped organise and took part in last Friday’s BBC Children in Need Charity Day.  Students arrived at school contributing £1 for wearing non-uniform, cakes were available throughout the day to buy, and the 12-hour crossbar football was enjoyed by many students and members of staff. Particular acknowledgement must go to Henry Warby and Daniel Little, this year’s School Captain and School Vice-Captain, who played for the entire duration.  The total amount raised is still being calculated, but I am sure we have beaten last year’s total of £1,500.  Well done all.

This week year 11 students are completing their mock examinations – an opportunity for them to see how they have progressed during their GCSE years and provide them with an experience of what it will be like next summer.  Good luck boys.

Oli Leyland of Barton House has, for the last few years, been playing rugby league with London Broncos.  He has just been selected for the Lancashire and Yorkshire Origin Squad to train with the England Academy in hope of playing against Australia on 1st December.  This is a fantastic opportunity for Oli who strives to become professional after he leaves school.  Well done Oli and best wishes.
Old Maidstonian Steven Adamson, who left in 2013, is now the general manager of Charlton Athletic Women's Football Club.  On Sunday, 25th November his squad faces Crystal Palace at their ground The Oakwood, in Crayford and Steven is trying to get the largest crowd he can get.  If you would like to know more then please visit Charlton Athletics’ website.


Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Tuesday 13th November 2018

 I cannot start this week’s blog without first acknowledging the conduct of every single MGS student at last Friday’s Remembrance Service.  Standing in front of the entire school community at this year’s special service was a very humbling experience.  I felt very proud to be able to call myself a Maidstonian.  Thank you to everyone - it was a very important day for Maidstone Grammar School.  This feeling was again felt at Sunday’s Remembrance Service in Maidstone when the entire CCF paraded past the town’s memorial.  78 members of the CCF paraded in Maidstone to commemorate the centenary of the end of WWI.  Flight Sargent Ben Roffe, Head of RAF section, laid a wreath on behalf of the Contingent. The wreath bore the inscription 'forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit'; and CSM William Hulme, Head of Army section, acted as assistant to The Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, accompanying him at the St George Memorial.


Also at the weekend the rugby squads were out in force this time against Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School.  There were three home wins from the U15 and U12A & B teams and one away win from the 1st XV.  The boys responded extremely well following last week’s results against Dartford Grammar.  Well done boys.  


This week should a relatively quiet one.  Tomorrow, parents of year 12 students are invited in to attend the GCSE Certificate Presentation Afternoon.  Year 12 students, who attended MGS last year, will be presented with their GCSE certificates at a special presentation ceremony.  It is so important that their success is acknowledged, and it is pleasing that their parents will be present.


This Friday is the first whole school charity day in aid of BBC Children in Need.  The usual non-uniform arrangements will be in place, as well as the selling of cakes, but this year the sixth form students are planning a 12-hour non-stop game of cross bar football.  There will be tired legs on Saturday!  Thank you to everyone who has already helped organise the day.


Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Firstly, I would like to thank the many students and staff who supported Saturday’s Parents’ Association Firework Display.  The weather was kind to us which added to a really good evening out.  Thank you to everyone who came along, and a big thank you to the Parents’ Association for organising.
Sadly, the delights of the firework display on Saturday contrasted with the results of the rugby earlier that day against Dartford Grammar School.  Seven games took place across all the different squads and we lost all of them!  The boys played well and in good spirit, though, and thank you to Ed Mead of College House who contributed to both the 2nd XV and 1st XV games.  Let’s hope for better outcomes next weekend.
Congratulations though must go to the U15 rugby squad who progressed through to the next round of the National Cup last Thursday beating Norton Knatchbull.  It was a tense game for most of it, but the team came through at the end to win 22 - 20.  Well done boys.
This week the year 12 geography students, accompanied by Mr O’Hanlon and Mrs Lynch, are away from school in Dorset completing their important A Level fieldwork.  We hope the weather is being kind to them.
This week we have two events: The Post 16 Open Evening and the Remembrance Service.  The Post 16 Open Evening takes place tomorrow.  The event is an opportunity for year 11 students from MGS and other local schools to come and see what we offer in our sixth form.  The evening starts at 4.30pm with talks at 5pm, 5.45pm and 6.30pm.
Friday is a very important and significant day for the school.  We are holding our annual Remembrance Service which this year marks the 100th Anniversary of the end of the 1st World War.  The entire school community will join together in a service to mark this special occasion, and we are pleased to welcome parents, governors, Old Maidstonians, friends of the school and relatives of the 46 Old Maidstonians who lost their lives in the war.  It is vital that MGS acknowledges the anniversary and ensures that it is recorded in our own archives.  It will be a very special moment.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Welcome back to the start of Term 2; I hope you all had a good break.  


Despite it being almost two weeks ago I would like to thank everyone who supported the Year 6 Open Evening which took place on the Thursday before we finished for the half term break.  There were over 300 students present on the night acting as guides and helpers supporting staff selling their school to interested families.  There were many, many positive comments from visitors who enjoyed seeing what we do.  Thank you all very much indeed.

The school is once again open for visitors this Friday at 9am but this time for students and their families wishing to consider MGS as a place to study A Levels.  This open morning will be followed by our Post 16 Open Evening taking place next Wednesday.

Tomorrow is the first of our performing arts showcases.  The Autumn Showcase, which starts at 6.30pm, will be an evening of music, theatre and performance from both students and staff.  Do come along to the drama studio.

We are all looking forward to this Saturday’s event: The MGS Parents’ Association Annual Firework Display.  This is the PA’s biggest event and one that draws many hundreds of people from the school and the wider community.  Do come along if you are free.  Gates open at 5.30pm with the fireworks beginning at 7pm.  Tickets can be purchased from the Bursary or on the gate.

Thank you to Jonah Diomede of Tonbridge House who performed at a Young Lives Foundation charity event a couple of weeks ago.  The organiser of the event said, “Jonah was absolutely fantastic and a real credit to the school. Many guests commented on how skilled and effortlessly he played – he really is gifted.”

Congratulations to Finlay Lodge of Corpus Christi House who took part in the Elite Open International Karate Championships, which took place in London on Sunday 21 October.  He fought in the U16 lightweight category and won all his fights leading up to the final. He subsequently won the final and took home the gold.  Well done Finley.

A couple of weeks ago I acknowledged a few students who attended the Young Leaders in Cricket award ceremony.  Congratulations also must go to Michaela Karassellos of College House.  She received special recognition for her volunteering contribution: a staggering 279 hours over the season. As a thank you from the ECB she will get to spend a day training with the England women's team in Loughborough.  Well done Michaela.

And finally, William Hulme, house captain for Tonbridge House has his first official duty as a Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet.  He will act as an aide to the Lord-Lieutenant at the Maidstone Remembrance Parade on Remembrance Sunday at the St George Memorial.  


Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Tuesday 16th October 2018

Despite it being the last week of the term this week is probably the busiest one so far this year.  Last night I attended the first Old Maidstonian Committee meeting and the Parents’ Association AGM; today is the second Year 6 Open Morning where we welcome once again parents of Year 6 boys to see the school at work, which will be followed by a governors meeting after school; Wednesday I am going into London to attend the Grammar School Heads’ Association October seminar and the annual drinks reception at the House of Commons; Thursday is our Year 6 Open Evening, which probably is the most important event of the year; and Friday is the first day of the half term holiday for the students but is the second Inset day of the year for the staff.  One busy week!
Congratulations to the U15 football squad who beat St Gregory's Catholic School of Tunbridge Wells 6 – 4 in the National Cup.  They came from behind twice and played really well.  Round 3 of the tournament awaits.  Good luck boys.
About a week ago a few MGS students were presented with the Young Leaders in Cricket Award at Lord’s cricket ground. Young Leaders in Cricket was set up in 2010 to give young people the skills to volunteer for their local cricket club and help grassroots cricket to thrive.  Jacques Hutchinson of Corpus Christi House, Ryan Ambanpola of Tonbridge House, Harrison Keeping also of Tonbridge House and James Poole of College House received their awards from the founder of the award Paul Daniels, Kent player Harry Podmore & Sky Sports presenter Matt Floyd.  Well done boys.
And finally well done to Cadet Yousif Egan of Corpus Christi House who made his first successful flight in a Grob Tutor last week.  His experience included taking control of the plane and completing the aerobatic manoeuvres wing-over and stall turns.  Congratulations Yousif.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Sadly, the two sporting fixtures mentioned in last week’s blog did not end positively.  The 1st XI football squad lost 1 - 0 against our local grammar school Oakwood Park, and the 1st XV rugby squad lost their National Cup 26 - 10 against Sutton Valence.  Bad luck boys; there is still plenty of season left.


Thank you again to everyone who helped organise and supported the Barton House charity day on Friday.  Raising money for the NSPCC, students enjoyed a day in non-uniform and appreciated seeing staff and students embarrass themselves at the Disney Karaoke.  A good day.


Congratulations to Hamish Reilly of Corpus Christi House.  Last weekend he took part in the Super League Jersey Triathlon Elite Youth Event.  The event hosted competitors from across Europe selected by their national governing bodies and involved a continuous swim-bike-run repeated twice with only a few minutes between each stage.  Hamish finished in second place only missing out on gold by a couple of seconds.  The event rounded off Hamish’s excellent season where he finished second overall in the National Super Series.  Well done Hamish.


Today we welcome parents of Year 7 to attend the Year 7 Welcome and Information Evening.  Year 7 students have been Maidstonians now for 5 weeks and so this event tonight looks back on their time here and looks forward to what is expected this year.  In addition to this event, from now for the next two weeks all form tutors will be making contact with Year 7 parents inviting them in to touch base and share with them how the first few weeks have gone.  We hope that these meetings and tonight’s event are helpful in ensuring a smooth transition into Year 7.


On Thursday I meet the Parent Forum for the first time of the new academic year.  It is a chance for me to share a number of developments and understand the perspective of a parent as we continue to improve the school.


And on Friday the first of two Year 6 open mornings takes place.  It is that time of year when we open our doors to the wider community and invite Year 6 boys and their parents in to see what life is like at MGS.  These days are always incredibly busy, but also a pleasure, as we always enjoy showing others why we feel MGS is so special.


Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Tuesday 2 October 2018

I cannot believe we are in October already.  It does not seem a month since we returned from our summer holidays.


At the weekend it was the turn of the younger rugby squads to play at home, and their opposition was Simon Langton Grammar School.  Both squads played with great spirit and were well-supported by friends and family.  The U15 squad won 55 - 14 and U14 squad won 55 - 7.  Well done boys.  The senior players had a weekend’s grace before playing in the second round of the National Cup this Wednesday against Sutton Valance.  Good luck boys.


Continuing with sport, last Wednesday the 1st and 2nd XI football squads had matches against Norton Knatchbull and Queen Elizabeth grammar schools respectively.  The 1st XI drew 1 – 1 but the 2nd XI won 5 – 3.  Well done boys.  This week the 1st XI play Oakwood Park!  Let us hope they bring a win back with them.


Thank you to the many students, members of staff and parents who collectively enjoyed a cuppa and a slice of cake at last Friday’s MacMillan Coffee Morning.  It was such a pleasant atmosphere seeing the whole school community come together to support a worthy cause.  We raised £632.30.  Thank you.


During this week we invite parents of Year 10 to attend the Year 10 Information Evening.  This evening takes place on Wednesday at 7pm and it a chance for students and parents to understand what can be expected during the coming year. 


Friday is the first House charity day of the school year.  Barton House will be leading the way with a host of events to raise money for their chosen charity.  The main event, Disney Karaoke, will be taking place in the Big Hall at lunch.  The usual non-uniform arrangements will be in place.  Thank you in advance for the support and organisation for the day.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Tuesday 25 September 2018

CCF news first.  On Saturday 15th September, 12 cadets and 5 adults from the CCF took part in a range day to select the 8 best shots to represent the school at the Cadet Skill at Arms Meet.  On a glorious autumnal day, perfect for shooting, the cadets competed on a number of ranges, shooting at targets up to 300m away.  The competition was strong and at the end of a very long day, an MGS Army Team and an MGS Tri-service team were announced.  The CADSAM competition then took place over last weekend, on the military ranges in Pirbright. The two MGS teams were competing against 23 other teams from across the south east over 5 demanding shoots, in very wet and windy conditions.  Despite the appalling conditions the MGS teams shot very well and produced our best performance for a number of years.  MGS B narrowly lost to MGS A in the quarter final of the Falling Plate competition. MGS A went on to finish 4th, only missing out on a place in the final by one shot.  Congratulations to Staff Sergeant Owen who was awarded Gold Medal for the best overall shot in the urban combat match, achieving a perfect 100 score. 


Sadly, our first encounter with our friendly rivals, Oakwood Park Grammar School, ended in defeat.  The 2nd XI football squad lost 5 – 2 last Wednesday.  The loss was even more of a thorn in the side as the match was played at home.  Maidstone Grammar School was a very quiet school the following day!  Much to work on already so early in the season! 


At the weekend the rugby squads took on Cranbrook School with mixed fortune.  The 1st and 2nd XV, U15A and U14B squads all won but the U15B and U14A squads sadly lost.  Thank you to the parents and players of all the home matches who stayed and enjoyed some refreshments in the pavilion afterwards. 


Congratulations to Amy Tate of Tonbridge House who took part in the Eventers Challenge at Blenheim Palace last week.  Amy had the best individual round out of 168 other riders and her team placed 14th out if 42.  Well done Amy.  If there are any other students who wish to know more about eventing, then please do see her.


This week is a busy one.  Last night we welcomed parents of Year 9 students to attend the Year 9 Information Evening.  The evening provided an opportunity for parents and students to understand what can be expected in the year to come.


Tonight is the first full governing body meeting of the school year where we reflect on last year’s work and look forward to this year’s.  Straight after that meeting I have the pleasure in attending a function at Salomons Estate to watch William Hulme of Tonbridge House receive a Lord-Lieutenant Award from the Lord-Lieutenant himself, The Viscount De L’Isle MBE.  William is the head cadet in the army section of the CCF and had given tremendous service to the contingent for many years.  His recognition with this award is certainly well-deserved.


Tomorrow we open our doors to students across Maidstone who wish to attend our University and Higher Education Fair.  Over 50 universities and colleges across the entire country will be here providing information and literature about themselves and the numerous courses they offer.  This is the fifth year MGS is hosting such an event, and if the last four years are anything to go by, the event tomorrow will be extremely busy and informative to all who come.  Bring a large bag to take home all of the many prospectuses!


This Friday is a very important date in the MGS calendar; it is the Macmillan Coffee Morning.  Each year we acknowledge the event by holding our own ‘coffee’ morning, and it is always very well supported.  Over the last couple of years we have opened our doors to the wider community and a number of parents and Old Maidstonians have joined us over a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.  If you are able to please do join us from 10.30am on Friday.


Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Tuesday 18 September 2018

The weather held at the end of last week allowing us to have our Upper School Speech Day outside in the Quad.  It was another wonderful occasion acknowledging the successes of the senior students from the 2017-18 academic year.  We wish the out-going Year 13 best wishes with the next phase of their lives.  As well as this event we were also able to walk down to All Saints Church in the morning for the Beginning of Year Service.  Many thanks to Canon Sewell for leading the service.


At the weekend a number of the rugby squads played their first fixture of the new year against Gravesend Grammar School.  The 1st XV squad was at home with the U15s, U14s and U13s away.  All the squads returned to school with a win.  Well done boys.  With a squad playing at home it allowed us to utilise our new pavilion.  Being able to serve tea and coffee along with some light refreshments just added to the occasion.  It is hoped that with more teams playing at home in future more parents will enjoy the facilities. 


Throughout this week Year 13 students will be having their academic interviews with their form tutors.  It is at this time of year when Year 13 students make their final preparations with their university application or begin to consider more about life beyond the school gates.  These meetings particularly help tutors finalise their tutees’ UCAS references.


Wednesday is Photo Day.  Each year every student in the school has their photograph taken.  This provides an opportunity for parents to purchase a photograph to put in the family album, and also allows us to update our school management information system.  Alongside individual photographs each form will have one as well.  With forms being vertical it is always pleasing to see a picture of different aged students together; it reminds us of how within the school community there are much smaller communities where relationships are forming.


Finally, congratulations to Old Maidstonians Connor Watson and Max Green who both left in the summer and who both completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards.  Well done, gents.


Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Tuesday 11 September 2018

It has been a good first week.  Everyone has settled into the new year well and we are all enjoying the freedom we now have moving around the school site following the completion of all the building works.  Space!  As for the new buildings, they are already making a big impact.  Thank you again to the contractors for completing them on time and to such a high spec.


The process of looking to next year’s September intake began at the weekend when we welcomed a number of Year 6 students into the school to complete the 11+ Kent Test.  It is that time of the year when students aspirational for a grammar school place sit the Kent Test and very soon afterwards we will be having our open mornings and evening inviting interested boys and their families into MGS to see what we do.


Also at the weekend the senior rugby squad enjoyed a day of team building exercises before beginning the season this coming weekend against Gravesend Grammar School.  We look forward to the year ahead.


Despite it only being the second week of term this week is a busy one.  Last night the Extended Senior Leadership Team had their first meeting which was followed by the first Parents’ Association meeting of the year.  Today, teaching staff remain after school for their first twilight training session.  This year’s focus is the development of ‘Teaching Tuesdays’ which hopefully will provide an impetus for teaching staff to try new and exciting things in their classrooms. 


Tomorrow evening we welcome parents of Year 12 into the school to attend the Year 12 Information Evening.  It will be chance to set out our stall and share with everyone what they can expect from us over the next two years.  And Friday is our annual Beginning of Year Church Service and Upper School Speech Day when we invite the outgoing Year 13 cohort back into school to receive recognition for the exam success and wish them well as they progress on to the next chapter of their lives.  It always makes for a wonderful occasion.


Finally, congratulations to Joseph Harmon of Tonbridge House.  Over the summer he successfully auditioned for a small role in a new TV series and then found himself on set filming alongside David Tennant. The new series is called “There She Goes” and will be aired later this year. Joseph plays the role of Jamie.  Do look out for it, and well done Joseph.



Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Tuesday 4th September 2018


Welcome back to a new school year; I hope you all have had a lovely holiday and well-deserved rest.  Here at school much has gone on during the summer holiday to prepare for the start of term.  The main focus of the holiday was to receive, issue and analyse the summer examination results, both A Level and GCSE.  I will be sharing more of the detail at next week’s Upper School Speech Day, but I am pleased to say that the overall picture was a good one; there were successes in a number of areas, and work to do in others.  We still aspire to do better, and so the developments that we started last year will continue during this year.  


As well as the examination results much work has gone on around the site, particularly getting the new science and computing building and new pavilion ready for students and staff use.  I am pleased to say they are fully operational from today.  At this point I wish to say thank you to all of the staff who continued their work during the six weeks’ holiday.  Without their support the school would not be as ready.  Thank you.


The start of a new year brings new faces: a new cohort of year 7 students; new students who join the sixth form in year 12; and the many new members of staff who join the staffing body.  We welcome them all and wish them many happy years ahead.  


A new year also brings new procedures.  I cannot explain everything in this blog, but you will have all hopefully seen the letter I sent out yesterday explaining our new position with mobile phones.  In addition to this change the students were informed today about our new procedures with homework which are going to support the changes we are making to our assessment arrangements.  Details of this will be shared with parents at the up-and-coming information evenings, but if you would like to know more please do make contact with your child’s form tutor.  Just like with the introduction of the new house structure last year, it always takes time for new procedures to bed down, but over the next few weeks and months your child will begin to see the impact of them.  


There is some good news to share already.  Congratulations to Finley Lodge of Corpus Christi House who took part in the KSI World Karate Championships in Stockholm during the last week of the school term.  Together with his three team mates from Kent/Birmingham, Finley became World Champion in the team kata event.  He also was very successful in his individual fighting event achieving a bronze medal, after narrowly missing out on a place in the final.  His next focus will be the European Championships in Lisbon in October next year.  Well done Finley.


Best wishes to all the students in these first few days of the new year.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Tuesday 17 July 2018

At the weekend two World Challenge groups left the UK to spend the next month in Madagascar.  About 20 students from years 12 and 13 have worked incredibly hard over the last two years preparing themselves for this trip and were so excited when they gathered together at school before leaving.  A big thank you to Mrs Brooks, Ms Arbizu-Powell, Mr Hathaway and Mr Zaccarini for accompany the students and ensuring they all come back safely. 
The glorious weather on Friday meant for a wonderful Lower School Speech Day outside in the Quad.  It is always pleasing to have these special events outside as it means the entire school community can be together in one place to celebrate the achievements of the students. 
For those who don’t know him I would like to acknowledge the incredible achievements of Hamish Reilly of Corpus Christi House.  Hamish participates in the National British Triathlon Super Series for Elite Youths – events that take him across the country.  He has had some fantastic results this year, including two 3rd places and one 2nd place, and is currently topping the series rankings in 1st place overall.  A couple of weekends ago Hamish competed at Eton Dorney and secured his first ever win in the Super Series – in the extremely challenging hot weather, he managed to keep a cool head and executed his race plan to almost perfection.  As such, Hamish has just received notification of selection to race in the International Super League which is taking place in Jersey at the end of September.  He is also hoping to be selected to represent the South East Region at the National School Games taking place at Loughborough at the end of August.  Well done Hamish and good luck.
Yesterday we welcomed a number of year 4 and 5 pupils into the school to attend out Brazil Extravaganza.  This event has run for four years and provides an opportunity for primary pupils to spend some time at MGS and interact with staff and students in Brazil-themed activities.  There were many smiles at the end.
Today is the annual MGS Sports Day.  The students competed in a variety of events for their respective houses ranging from trivial pursuit and music to the typical track and field races.  It was lovely to see everyone cheer their fellow house peers on.  Following Sports Day many of us will move from the field to the new pavilion for its opening.  The Ron McCormick Sports Pavilion, to give it its official title, is being opened by Ron McCormick himself, and will be a fantastic resource for the school, providing warm, dry and clean facilities for the students to get changed in.  It will be a pleasure once again to welcome Ron back to MGS, a teacher who has been associated with MGS since 1966.
And Friday is the last day of term when we say goodbye to the 2017-18 year and look forward to the summer holiday.  I am delighted to say that Mr Graham Walker, who is retiring this year after giving MGS 37 years’ service, will be speaking. The day will finish with the usual end of term assembly dismissing the students around 2pm.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Welcome back from last week’s Extended Learning Week.  I hope everyone was able to have a very rewarding experience whatever they were doing.  A big thank you to the staff, adult volunteers and all the Old Maidstonians who ensured the students had a good time.  I look forward to hearing about the many stories over the coming weeks.
Much has happened during the last week, particularly outside of school and the progression of the England Football Team in the World Cup.  Who would have thought we would be in the semi-finals?  I am sure we will all be watching tomorrow evening.  Good luck England.
The warm weather continues and so it was right yesterday to allow students to come to school more appropriately dressed.  We always closely monitor the weather and make appropriate adjustments to ensure both the students and staff are as comfortable as possible.
This week is a busy one.  Last night was the 6th Form Prom at Leeds Castle: an event to bring the leaving Year 13 students together once more before the go off on their summer break.  Tonight is the Year 10 Parents’ Evening where parents of Year 10 come in and hear how their sons are progressing through their GCSEs.  Thursday we welcome next year’s Year 7 boys to join us for their Year 6 Induction Day: the aim being for the boys to begin to familiarise themselves with the workings of the school as well as make some new friends.  And Friday is the annual Founders’ Day Service and Lower School Speech Day: an opportunity to celebrate the founding of the school and to acknowledge the achievements of boys in years 7 to 10. 

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Firstly, I would like to thank the students and staff of both the art and performing arts departments for last week’s Art Exhibition and Summer Showcase.  After a busy day at work it was good to enjoy an evening of creativity and performance.  I particularly enjoyed the art work of Nathan Hutchins of Corpus Christi House and the performance from Charlotte Simmons and Matthew Hau of College and Barton houses respectively.  Well done all. 

With the public examinations almost over students from years 11 and 13 return to school this week to hand back their textbooks that they have used for the last few years.  On Wednesday, we also welcome Year 13 back for their Leavers’ Tea – an opportunity for the students to say goodbye one last time before they disappear to enjoy a well-deserved summer break.  Cake and punch will be enjoyed by us all in the Quad.  

Friday is the annual Pre-Sixth Form Induction Day.  Prospective sixth form students from MGS and elsewhere spend a day in school learning about life in the sixth form and what to expect with their A-Level choices.  We hope they all have an enjoyable and informative day.

This week also sees staff put the final touches to next week’s Extended Learning Week.  We always look forward to this week, and we hope the weather holds out to give an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all.  Good luck also to Year 12 and those students from Year 10 who have chosen to undertake a week’s work experience at that time.  

Finally, congratulations to Simon Coppard of Corpus Christi House who competed at the UK National U20 Athletics Championships last weekend at Bedford in the 800m. On the Saturday, he ran 1:52:93 in his heat and had the 3rd quickest time which allowed him to qualify for the final.  As the only U18 left in the competition, he was the youngest athlete by two years. In a hard and tactical final on the Sunday, he ran 1:53:90 and placed 7th.  As well as this competition, Simon ran the European Youth Championship qualifying standard in Brighton on the 30th May with a new PB of 1:50:82 and finds out soon whether he will be selected to participate at these international championships in Gyor Hungary for Great Britain.  Well done Simon and good luck.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Firstly, I would like to thank Year 12 for responding so positively to last week’s UCAS and PSHCE days; and to Ms Kruppa, Mr Holmes and all of the presenters for organising the event.  Two informative and productive days.

The main event this week is taking place tomorrow: the annual Art Exhibition, which this year is being called XI Hour, and the Summer Showcase.  Starting at 4pm in the School Hall there will be an opportunity to walk round and enjoy an art exhibition displaying students’ GCSE and A Level art work.  Jacqueline Davies is the guest of honour and will be speaking and making presentations at 5pm.  The exhibition will then be followed at 6.30pm with a performance from the Guadeamus Band and a showing by drama students of the excellent play DNA by Dennis Kelly.  Please be warned though that this play does contain some themes that are of a more adult nature.  Please do come along and enjoy an excellent afternoon and evening.  

For those who don’t know him I would like to acknowledge the incredible work that Sam Ghinn of  Barton House is undertaking.  Sam is in the GB Junior Men’s Gymnastics Team.  He trains 27 hours a week at the Pegasus Gymnastics Club on top of managing all of his school work.  He is currently training for the European Junior Championships and his ultimate aim is to compete at the Olympics.  On Saturday Sam competed in the U16 Gymnova Pegasus Open.  He had a good competition taking overall silver medal as well as gold on floor and pommel and silver on high bar, vault and rings.  His next competition will be the British Teams competition on 15th July and he will be competing at a senior level in a team representing Pegasus against the other top senior teams across the UK.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Thank you to Mr Holmes, Mr Goddard, Mr Chapman and a number of students who joined me on Sunday supporting the charity football match at Gallagher Stadium in aid of the Young Lives Foundation: a charity that supports vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in Kent.  It was an enjoyable afternoon which raised a lot of money for the charity.  Thank you also to everyone who contributed a £1 at last Friday’s non-uniform day; another example of how charitable we are as a school.  We raised in excess of £1000.  Thank you and well done.
Today Year 12 are off timetable learning more about the UCAS process.  Ms Kruppa has put a very exciting programme together which includes outside speakers who hopefully will provide some motivating and inspirational words for the students.  The day follows last night’s Year 12 UCAS Evening where parents came in to hear from key staff about all things UCAS and the world of work, and follows yesterday afternoon’s Mock Results Day where students received the grades for their recent examinations. 
Tomorrow Year 12 are again off timetable to take part in a PSHCE themed day.  Students will experience a number of different workshops from first aid training and drug awareness to how to look after themselves financially. 
Also, today and tomorrow I am out of school attending the Grammar School Heads’ Association annual conference.  Each year all of the grammar school headteachers across the country meet in London to share thoughts and ideas about their roles and how they can all work together to support each other.  The conference is always very informative.  This year’s key note speaker is the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Education Minister, and in fact Old Maidstonian.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Welcome back to the final term of the year; for those who were able to have the week off, I hope it was an enjoyable one.  Now term 6 has started, the GCE A Level examinations begin in earnest.  Year 13 students will now be joining students from Year 11 in sitting their examinations.  Examinations continue for the entire month of June.  Good luck to them all. 

Examinations in years 7, 9 and 10 are now complete.  Teachers are now busy marking them with results coming out soon.  Students in Year 12 receive their Year 12 UCAS exam results next week.  The publishing of them coincides with the Year 12 UCAS Evening next Monday: an evening for parents and students to understand the process.  We look forward to welcoming parents then.

Yesterday staff completed a day’s training on a number of things that included supporting students with diabetes and epilepsy, understanding the new data protection regulations and how they will affect what we do in school, and informing all staff on the new arrangements and processes for UCAS reference writing.  It was a good day.

This week we have our first Quad assembly.  With the weather being much better this time of year we are able to have the entire school at assembly outside in the Quad.  For me they are always enjoyable as it is rare to have the entire school community together. 

On Wednesday evening from 6pm we are inviting members of the wider school community to hear about our plans for an all-weather pitch.  Local residents, neighbours and parents are all welcome to attend the evening.  Please do let my PA, Mrs Friend know if you would like to come along.

On Friday this week we are holding a non-uniform day to raise money for the Young Lives Foundation: a charity that supports vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in Kent.  The timing of the non-uniform day is poignant as the Young Lives Foundation is hosting a charity football match on Sunday 10th June at the Gallagher Stadium, kick-off at 3pm.  Do go along and support.  Tickets can be purchased on the gate.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

22 May 2018

Firstly, I would like to thank the entire cadet force for last Thursday’s CCF Biennial Inspection.  The Inspecting Officer and accompanying team enjoyed an afternoon in school watching a number of activities and drills conducted by the cadets and staff across all three contingents.  Once again the students were a credit to the school and to the contingent.  Well done and thank you.


Last Friday we said goodbye to the ‘Class of 2018’.  The students of Year 13 are now Old Maidstonians following an emotional few hours in school that culminated in their Leavers’ Assembly and the singing of the School Song.  Thank you everyone, and good luck in your up and coming exams.


Yesterday afternoon the ‘Family of MGS’ met for the first time to discuss how the School moves forward over the next few years.  The workings of the Parents’ Association, the Old Maidstonian Society and the MGS Development Fund are all integral in supporting the School to further develop the experiences of the students. 


Congratulations to Simon Coppard of Corpus Christi House who is now the Kent U20 800m Champion.  He has been the U17 Kent Champion for the last two years, so this event was a huge step up for him as he was the youngest competitor.  The race took place at the Julie Rose Stadium in Ashford and his time was 1.54.93.  Well done Simon.

Six boys in Year 9 are all part of Coxheath and Farleigh Junior Football club: William Riggs-Sutton, William Turner, Thomas Rankin, Matthew Taylor, Owen Jeffrey and Toby Griffith.  The U14 team has made it through to the Express Cabs League Challenge Cup Final – The Jack Small Cup, to be played at the Gallagher Stadium in Maidstone on 27th May at 12.45pm against Rochester FC. They have also, just at the weekend, become champions of the Express Cabs Primary League U14 division two. The parents, families, friends and coaches are so proud of the boys. They have worked hard the whole season, playing in all weathers to achieve this.  Well done boys for getting this far and good luck on 27th.