Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Tuesday 2 October 2018

I cannot believe we are in October already.  It does not seem a month since we returned from our summer holidays.


At the weekend it was the turn of the younger rugby squads to play at home, and their opposition was Simon Langton Grammar School.  Both squads played with great spirit and were well-supported by friends and family.  The U15 squad won 55 - 14 and U14 squad won 55 - 7.  Well done boys.  The senior players had a weekend’s grace before playing in the second round of the National Cup this Wednesday against Sutton Valance.  Good luck boys.


Continuing with sport, last Wednesday the 1st and 2nd XI football squads had matches against Norton Knatchbull and Queen Elizabeth grammar schools respectively.  The 1st XI drew 1 – 1 but the 2nd XI won 5 – 3.  Well done boys.  This week the 1st XI play Oakwood Park!  Let us hope they bring a win back with them.


Thank you to the many students, members of staff and parents who collectively enjoyed a cuppa and a slice of cake at last Friday’s MacMillan Coffee Morning.  It was such a pleasant atmosphere seeing the whole school community come together to support a worthy cause.  We raised £632.30.  Thank you.


During this week we invite parents of Year 10 to attend the Year 10 Information Evening.  This evening takes place on Wednesday at 7pm and it a chance for students and parents to understand what can be expected during the coming year. 


Friday is the first House charity day of the school year.  Barton House will be leading the way with a host of events to raise money for their chosen charity.  The main event, Disney Karaoke, will be taking place in the Big Hall at lunch.  The usual non-uniform arrangements will be in place.  Thank you in advance for the support and organisation for the day.