Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Welcome back from last week’s Extended Learning Week.  I hope everyone was able to have a very rewarding experience whatever they were doing.  A big thank you to the staff, adult volunteers and all the Old Maidstonians who ensured the students had a good time.  I look forward to hearing about the many stories over the coming weeks.
Much has happened during the last week, particularly outside of school and the progression of the England Football Team in the World Cup.  Who would have thought we would be in the semi-finals?  I am sure we will all be watching tomorrow evening.  Good luck England.
The warm weather continues and so it was right yesterday to allow students to come to school more appropriately dressed.  We always closely monitor the weather and make appropriate adjustments to ensure both the students and staff are as comfortable as possible.
This week is a busy one.  Last night was the 6th Form Prom at Leeds Castle: an event to bring the leaving Year 13 students together once more before the go off on their summer break.  Tonight is the Year 10 Parents’ Evening where parents of Year 10 come in and hear how their sons are progressing through their GCSEs.  Thursday we welcome next year’s Year 7 boys to join us for their Year 6 Induction Day: the aim being for the boys to begin to familiarise themselves with the workings of the school as well as make some new friends.  And Friday is the annual Founders’ Day Service and Lower School Speech Day: an opportunity to celebrate the founding of the school and to acknowledge the achievements of boys in years 7 to 10.