Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Tuesday 27 November 2018

I would like to start by saying that I had a thoroughly enjoyable evening last Thursday night at the annual Old Maidstonian Society London Event.  Each November the Old Maidstonian Society stages a reunion event in London inviting former students and staff to enjoy an evening together.  There were over 40 people at The George Inn, Southwark, who all had an affiliation to the school, including former students who left recently in 2014 to one who left in 1948.  Thank you to the Old Maidstonian Committee who organised the event and to Mr Paul Smith, the president of the society, for hosting.
Last Wednesday we said goodbye, temporarily, to Mrs Sissons who left to begin her maternity leave.  She is expecting to give birth in the next couple of weeks, so it is going to be an early Christmas present for her and her husband!  Best wishes Mrs Sissons and we look forweard to seeing her and the new baby next year.
At the weekend the rugby squads were out in force against St Olave’s.  The senior and U13A squads were at home and the U15 and U14 squads were away.  I am pleased to say that MGS had a clean sweep: all of the squads brought home a win.  Well done boys.
Also at the weekend MGS hosted the South East Region Cambridge University Schools’ Debating Competition.  A number of different grammar and independent schools across the region arrived at MGS at 9.45am for a day of rigorous debate and opinion sharing.  Thank you to Mr Ferguson and Ms Johnson who led the day and to the students who took part and helped organise.  It is hoped that we can host the event again next year and that high level debating becomes part of what we do at MGS.
Yesterday and today are busy days as we are interviewing candidates for the position of Deputy Headteacher.  Mrs Sewell is retiring at the end of the academic year so we are looking to fill her shoes with someone who can continue and further develop her work.  It is hoped that the governing body can appoint by the end of the day.  Many people are included in the interview process including governors, staff and students.  Not only do the senior prefects guide the candidates around the school but a sample of students across the seven year groups also form a Student Panel that asks each candidate a number of questions.  The student perspective is vital in such appointments.
Year 11 GCSE Mock Exams finished yesterday and now the students are back in the classroom continuing with their studies.  They will find out their results on Friday 14th December.  Throughout the six days of exams the students have conducted themselves incredibly well indeed and were a credit to the School.  Well done boys and thank you.
On Friday I am attending the next Schools’ Funding Forum meeting and the Kent & Medway Grammar Schools’ Association Head of Mathematics Group.  The Forum is a group of people that represent all schools across Kent that discuss how the Local Authority should spend its money; and the Head of Mathematics Group is a group of mathematics teachers that meet to share good practice and discuss how best the subject can be delivered to our students.  Friday, therefore, will be a busy day.
Good luck to the U16 Football Squad who play in the next round of the English Schools’ National Cup on Thursday against Simon Langton Grammar School.
And at the weekend the CCF is going on their recruit camp: the weekend when the new Year 9 cadets enjoy their first camp.  Let us hope the weather remains in their favour.