Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Firstly, I would like to thank the many students and staff who supported Saturday’s Parents’ Association Firework Display.  The weather was kind to us which added to a really good evening out.  Thank you to everyone who came along, and a big thank you to the Parents’ Association for organising.
Sadly, the delights of the firework display on Saturday contrasted with the results of the rugby earlier that day against Dartford Grammar School.  Seven games took place across all the different squads and we lost all of them!  The boys played well and in good spirit, though, and thank you to Ed Mead of College House who contributed to both the 2nd XV and 1st XV games.  Let’s hope for better outcomes next weekend.
Congratulations though must go to the U15 rugby squad who progressed through to the next round of the National Cup last Thursday beating Norton Knatchbull.  It was a tense game for most of it, but the team came through at the end to win 22 - 20.  Well done boys.
This week the year 12 geography students, accompanied by Mr O’Hanlon and Mrs Lynch, are away from school in Dorset completing their important A Level fieldwork.  We hope the weather is being kind to them.
This week we have two events: The Post 16 Open Evening and the Remembrance Service.  The Post 16 Open Evening takes place tomorrow.  The event is an opportunity for year 11 students from MGS and other local schools to come and see what we offer in our sixth form.  The evening starts at 4.30pm with talks at 5pm, 5.45pm and 6.30pm.
Friday is a very important and significant day for the school.  We are holding our annual Remembrance Service which this year marks the 100th Anniversary of the end of the 1st World War.  The entire school community will join together in a service to mark this special occasion, and we are pleased to welcome parents, governors, Old Maidstonians, friends of the school and relatives of the 46 Old Maidstonians who lost their lives in the war.  It is vital that MGS acknowledges the anniversary and ensures that it is recorded in our own archives.  It will be a very special moment.