Thursday, 6 December 2018

Tuesday 4 December 2018

I cannot believe it is December already.  With only three weeks of term left, where did the last three months go?

Last week we spent two days interviewing candidates for the role of Deputy Head.  I am delighted to announce that Misis Johnson has been successfully appointed.  Following the two-day rigorous process across a variety of tasks and interview panels Miss Johnson displayed both passion and exceptional leadership qualities.  She will be an outstanding deputy headteacher.  I am sure you will join me in congratulating her and wishing her the best in her new role.  

We returned to school on Monday following a weekend when the CCF cadets enjoyed their first recruit camp.  A number of younger cadets experienced their first opportunity being out in the field supported and accompanied by staff and more senior cadets.  The weather played its part sadly, particularly on Saturday, but everyone returned with smiles.
Also at the weekend, MGS competed for the first time against 15 other grammar schools at Maidstone Crown Court in the Bar Mock Trial. 16 students across key stages 4 and 5 represented the school and put in an excellent performance.  Many thanks to Mr Ferguson who accompanied them.

The main focus for this week is the school pantomime.  Technical and dress rehearsals take place today and tomorrow in preparation for three performances of Treasure Island on Thursday, Friday and Saturday starting at 7pm.  Good luck to the entire cast and crew, and thank you to the members of staff who have been supporting the students over these last couple of months.  Do come along, tickets are still available.

Congratulations to three students: Marcus Stephens of Barton House who has been awarded a Try Angle Award that recognises exceptional achievement and good work of young people and  Matthew Hau of Barton House and Joseph Pickard of College House who both took part in the recent Maidstone Music Festival, and have been invited to perform at the Maidstone Young Musician competition for 2019.  Well done boys.