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Tuesday 2 June 2020

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Welcome back everyone, and welcome to the start of Term 6.  I hope you all had a good half term break and that you were able to enjoy the glorious weather.

Today is a very busy one.  It not only sees the start of the final term of the academic year and the continuation of online learning, it also signifies the start of our final preparations that we need to make to be in a position to reopen.  The aim is to reopen from Monday 15th June for small groups of Year 10 and Year 12 students, and there is still plenty to do before we open the school gates.  Parents of those year groups will be informed very soon of our plans, but it is hoped that reopening can form the beginning of how we return to some form of normality.  This journey of returning to normality will be carefully managed and cautiously undertaken as it is important we review what we do at regular intervals and ensure we provide a level of confidence to everyone involved.

From today we also welcome back students from years 11 and 13 who are being invited in to return their textbooks.  This administrative task occurs every year, but this year we have had to things a lot differently.  Students will come into school in small groups over the next two weeks, and hopefully by the end of next week we will have everything returned!  Despite this all being very functional, it will be really good to see the students again and find out how they have been doing.

Also today, the School Captain and School Vice-Captain Handover Ceremony is taking place.  Jonah and Jack, the current incumbents, are coming into school to return their textbooks.  At the same time, Chris and Tom, the new incumbents, will join them to officially receive the roles.  This small ceremony usually takes place just after Easter, but again, we have had to do things differently.  I will be saying a few words, followed by some words from Jonah and Jack, before they both ring the school bell to signify the end of their tenure.  They will of course ring the bell separately, and after a clean with an alcohol wipe!  There will be tears.