Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Tuesday 23 June 2020

This week we continue to welcome more Year 10 and Year 12 students back into school.  Yesterday we delivered the last of the Year 12 UCAS sessions as well as running a drama workshop for Year 10.  We are now moving to more subject specific sessions for Year 12 as well as continuing to run sessions for Year 10 students studying more practical subjects.  It has been so good seeing the students again, and hearing more young voices about the place.  

Much of the focus now is looking towards September and putting a plan together for the new academic year.  We have established a set of principles we wish to follow, which include ensuring we welcome the students back in a phased and safe manner as well as preparing the students for a blended style of learning to enable them to work at school and from home.  Details of this plan will be published soon.

We now have some very good news about our all-weather pitch project.  All of the planning conditions have been signed off so we now have the green light to start.  It has been a long journey, but hopefully we can start very shortly.  The project will take about 20 weeks and will hopefully be ready by November.