Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Following the very brief snowy conditions at the end of last week, it is good to be back to normality.  Two and a half hours stuck on Bluebell Hill on Thursday evening was the highlight of my week!

This week Year 13 students are on study leave and coming in to school to complete their mock examinations.  It is hoped the results of these examinations provide a good idea of where students are and what they need to do to prepare for the real ones later in the year.  Good luck to all.

Last night after school I attended the Old Maidstonians Society January meeting.  It was a chance for the Committee to discuss a number of matters and prepare for the Old Maidstonians Annual Supper coming up in March.  The work the Committee does is incredibly important, ensuring that as many Old Maidstonians remain in contact with each other and with the School.  When a Maidstonian becomes an Old Maidstonian, the School motto, ‘Olim Meminisse Juvabit’ really begins to mean a lot.

Throughout the year a number of training opportunities are put on for staff to support them with their own professional development, and tonight a large proportion of the staff are remaining at school for an additional hour to take part in some of that bespoke training, which includes a session on ‘Being Creative in the Classroom’.  

Congratulations to Sam Ghinn of Year 9 who has been selected to be a member of the British Gymnastics training squad for boys aged 14-17. Well done Sam.

And finally I am pleased to announce that work begins from next Monday on phase 1 of our 2 year building project.  BEC was awarded the contract just before Christmas for the Performing Arts and Science and Computing buildings.  It all starts next week beginning with the Performing Arts building.