Tuesday, 3 January 2017

3 January 2017

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year.  I hope you all had a well-deserved and peaceful break.  This week is a slightly quieter and shorter one to start the year off. 

On Thursday we welcome parents of Year 8 to attend their son’s Information Evening.  Year 8 is an important year as the boys choose what GCSE subjects they would like to study from next year, and this Information Evening begins that process.  The Year 8 Exams begin next Monday which will help the boys and their parents consider their strengths and subjects of interest.  We look forward to meeting parents on Thursday. 

Before next week’s Blog I would have also spoken to Year 12 regarding the up-and-coming application process to become the next School Captain and Vice-Captain.  Despite the interviews for the roles not being until after February Half Term, the process needs to begin early to allow interested students a chance to apply and for us to shortlist.  I look forward to receiving application letters in the near future.

Have a good first week back everyone.