Tuesday, 10 January 2017

10 January 2017

I hope after last week everyone has settled back into term.  The Spring Term for me is always the hardest despite it not being as long as the Autumn Term.  Students are beginning to prepare for the summer examinations and complete all their necessary coursework, but also, as a school, we really begin thinking ahead and preparing for the next academic year.  There is always a lot to do.

Yesterday I launched with Year 12 the School Captain and School Vice-Captain application process.  Those students who are interested in applying now have four weeks to put their letters of application together as the deadline is Friday 3 February.  Following shortlisting there will be interviews in the first week back following the February Half Term.  I look forward to seeing who applies.

All of this week boys in year 8 are completing their Year 8 examinations which will help them decide what GCSE subjects they wish to study from next year.  Last week’s Year 8 Information Evening was the beginning of the GCSE Options process and by the end of the period all the boys will know what they will be studying.

Next week Year 13 will be completing their mock examinations, which will be their last internally set examination before the real ones in the summer.  Make sure you all prepare yourselves well and good luck to everyone.

Just an advance warning that there is a Year 9 Parents’ Evening coming up in a couple of weeks: Tuesday 24 January.  This will be the first chance parents hear feedback from teachers about their son’s progress since beginning their GCSEs.  We look forward to welcoming parents then.