Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Firstly, well done to the Year 12 Everest walkers who completed two 20km walks over the weekend in preparation for the Everest Base Camp trip that is now only five weeks away.  On both Saturday and Sunday a group of 25 Maidstonians could be seen walking the footpaths of the North Downs getting very wet and muddy in the process.  Not long to go now before they depart.

This week is a slightly quieter week for us following a busy return to school last week.  The highlight for me last week was awarding the roles of school captain and school vice-captain to the two new incumbents.  Huge congratulations go to Isaac and Noah who were successful in the two-day interview process.  The two of them will now work with Rafe and Jess over the next couple of months before they officially take over in April.

This Friday is the annual MGS Parents’ Association Quiz Night.  This year’s theme is MGS 475: every question will have something to do with the letters M, G or S and the numbers 4, 7 or 5.  Knowledge of MGS is not required!  Tickets are still available so do come along.  Quiz starts at 7pm in the Big Hall.