Tuesday, 20 February 2024

20 February 2024

Welcome to Term 4 and the half-way point in the school year.  I hope you have had a good half term break and found an opportunity to recharge.

I start the term spending two days interviewing the eight shortlisted candidates for the roles of next year’s school captain and school vice-captain.  Eight Year 12 students were successful before the half term break in progressing to the final stages of the process, and so by Thursday this week we will know the next two incumbents.  Good luck to them all.

I also start this term by saying thank you to the staff and students involved in this year’s school production.  Three evenings in the week before the half term break audiences enjoyed being thrown back to the 1980s in The Wedding Singer.  A huge thank you to the musicians, cast and crew and to the members of staff who supported the production, led this year by Mrs Brooks and Mr Bourne.  Here’s to next year!

Finally, huge congratulations to Gaby of Year 12 who has just become the National Schools Equestrian Association County Dressage Champion achieving 2nd place in the Restricted Class and 1st in the Open.  She has now qualified to compete in the County Championship to be held in May at the All England Show Ground Hickstead.  Well done Gaby.