Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Tuesday 29 March 2022

On Saturday we welcomed many Old Maidstonians back to MGS to attend the Old Maidstonian Sports Day.  During the afternoon we enjoyed a round robin tournament of football involving many Old Maidstonian teams as well as a few teams of current students.  MGS won!  This was then followed by the MGS vs. Old Maidstonian rugby match which was won this year by the Old Maidstonians.  A huge thank you to Mr Ferguson, Mr Saunders, Mr Terrell, the Cucina caterers, the sixth from prefects and of course the players for making it all possible.  A great day was had by all.

Yesterday we continued welcoming Old Maidstonians back to MGS inviting them to our A Level Certificate Presentation Evening.  About 50 former students from last year’s Year 13 cohort attended the event which was warmly received, particularly because we have not been able to stage such an event since 2019. 

Today is the Virtual Year 10 Parents’ Evening.  Parents and students will hear from subject teachers about progress made to date, and what the next year looks like building up the GCSE examinations in the summer of 2023.

Tomorrow and Thursday we will be enjoying two evenings of The History Boys: the first staged performance at MGS since 2019.  The cast and crew have been rehearsing since September and are looking forward to putting on a performance in front of a live audience.  Tickets are £5 and can be purchased from the School Bursary.

Friday is the end of term and is marked this year with, fingers crossed, our whole school photograph.  The last time we had a whole school photograph was back in September 2014, so it has been a long time coming.  I say fingers crossed because we need good weather, but as long as it is dry, it is full steam ahead.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know when Maidstone Grammar Schools was celebrating its 300th anniversary, Harrods Store was just opening for the first time in London. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Firstly, I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the charity day on Friday.  Not only were we supporting Comic Relief we were also supporting the DEC Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.  As well as the usual contribution in the morning to dress down for the day, other activities took place during the day to raise money for these two very important causes.  The highlights of the day were the staff vs. students touch rugby match at lunch (which was of course won by the students) and the five-hour inter-house relay marathon completed by staff and students across the four houses.  Thank you MGS for a great day.

Over the weekend, Theo of Year 9 represented Kent Schools AA at the English Schools Cross Country Championship on Saturday.  He comfortably finished in the top 30 out of over 300 runners.  Well done Theo.

Before I look ahead to this week I wish to acknowledge and congratulate the MGS basketball players who took part in an MGS vs. Oakwood Park tournament.  Players across a variety of ages took part, with all teams bringing home a win.  Well done all, and thank you to Mr Ashenfelter for leading the players. 

This week begins a series of events that invite Old Maidstonians back to their school.  On Friday evening the Old Maidstonian Supper takes place where former students gather together to enjoy a night of good food and conversation.  This is then followed by a new event: the Old Maidstonian Sports Day, where over 150 former students are returning to MGS to play either a game of football or rugby against some of our current students.  A few years of unhealthy living after leaving MGS may certainly make an impact!  Thank you to Mr Ferguson for organising, and to all current and former Maidstonians who made the day possible.  

On Wednesday, as part of Gender Equality Month, we are looking forward to welcoming Dr Andrea Den Boer, a lecturer from the University of Kent, to speak to a group of students about her work and the broader theme of gender equality in society and the work place.

On Thursday the MGS Spring Showcase is taking place where our budding performers will be showing off their talents in an evening of music and performance.  Do come along if you can.  The event is being held in the Big Hall and begins at 6.30pm.

Finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know in 1649 the school celebrated its 100th anniversary in the same year that Rule by Parliament started.  During those 100 years, there had been five monarchs, the defeat of the Armada, the Gunpowder Plot and the sailing of The Pilgrim Fathers to America.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Firstly, I wish to congratulate Callum and Thomas of Year 12 who at the weekend competed in the Oxford University Schools Debating Finals 2022. Although we have had some success with Cambridge debating, this is the first time Maidstone Grammar School has qualified for the Oxford Competition Final. With 210 students competing from four different continents, it was the largest in-person debating competition in the world to be held since the start of the pandemic. Callum and Thomas did incredibly well, placing 66th of 105 schools, narrowly missing out on the Novice Championship in a competition predominantly populated by the world’s leading private schools. Thomas and Callum did an incredible job in representing the school and have now cut a path for future Maidstonians to follow. The Oxford Speaking Union is a famed training ground for future Prime Ministers… you never know!       

Also at the weekend 10 cadets from the CCF Army Section took part in a Military Skills Competition with 25 other sections from schools and ACF in the South East of England. The competition was demanding and MGS performed well in many areas, finishing 10th overall.  Well done cadets, and thank you to the staff who accompanied them

Each day this week a different inter-house sporting competition is taking place to generate some friendly house rivalry as well as win some all-important house points. My event, rowing, is taking place on Thursday. Thank you to everyone taking part and for Mr Highsted for organising.

Today, a company called Meducators is in school working with our aspiring medics from years 10 to 13.  This is the first time we have run such a day and we hope that the students find it helpful in understanding more about their aspirations. 

On Wednesday we are inviting students and their parents into the school to attend the MGS Careers Evening. Over 20 different industries will be on site making short presentations to those students who are interested in that respective career. Thank you to all the presenters, some of whom are Old Maidstonians, and thank you to Mr Rivers for organising.

On Friday we are acknowledging Comic Relief as well as the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Students will be asked to donate £2 on the gate to come to school in non-uniform as well as be invited to take part in other activities that are taking place. The 'must see' event is a staff vs. student touch rugby match that will be taking place on the all-weather pitch at lunch. Good luck to everyone.

And finally, from Icarus in the Archives, did you know, in 1828, the year that the first electric motor was made, MGS was already 279 years old and had its 25th headmaster?  One year later, in 1829, the first police force was established.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Firstly, thank you to the English Department for leading with the fun and excitement during last week’s World Book Day.  A number of students took part, with the Invisible Man winning the best-dressed student.  Just under £170 was collected during the day, and that money will go towards a charity that helps buy books for those who would be unable to.  Thank you all.

This week is the turn for Year 13 to sit a series of examinations to prepare them for the summer. It is only a couple of months since they sat their first set of examinations, so this second set will provide a further opportunity for the students to understand what they need to do in the last couple of months before the summer. Good luck Year 13.

Today, Tuesday 8 March, is International Women’s Day, which, as a school, is something we are recognising as part of Gender Equality Month.  Throughout March we will be raising awareness and starting conversations about such topics as equality, gender stereotyping and sexual harassment. We will have several external guest speakers, all prominent women, talking about their experiences in business, politics, and the arts.  Our tutor time programme will highlight some of the fantastic work being done to champion gender equality with recognisable figures such as Emma Watson as well as raising awareness about the use of pronouns; and there will be several lunchtime drop-in sessions across a range of subjects including women in STEM and the film industry.

On Thursday night parents of Year 11 get a chance to discuss their son's progress to date at the Year 11 Parents' Evening. We hope the evening is a positive one, and one that provides support for the upcoming few months before the GCSEs.

Finally, from today, I will be including a new item in my weekly blog.  The item will be called Icarus in the Archives: a small anecdotal item at the end of the blog, which comes from the MGS Archives.  I hope you find it interesting.  So did you know, in 1922 the first Shakespearean play, Twelfth Night’ was performed at MGS; the War Office donated two Wireless Telegraphy Sets to the school; and rugby became the school’s official winter sport.  And all of this occurred exactly 100 years ago!