Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Tuesday 22 June 2021

At the start of this week we welcomed Year 11 back into school to attend the Sixth Form Induction Week.  All week the students will familiarise themselves with aspects of being in the sixth form: a number of A-Level lessons, some independent work in the school library, and some free time in the sixth form common room.  It is good having them back.

This week we also see the continuation of the Year 12 UCAS exams.  Speaking to a number of the students last week the exams seem to have gone well and they were happy with what they had written.  Results will be released in the coming weeks.

And finally, congratulations to Alfred Moison of Tonbridge House who has helped write ‘In Conversation With…’: a book that explores the world of Michelin chefs, fine dining and wine making.  This is so impressive as, not only is Alfred still a student at MGS, he is only in Year 7!  Well done Alfred, and I expect more is to come from you in the future.