Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Firstly, I would like to thank Samantha Croucher of College House who led the organisation for last Friday’s charity day.  The aim of the day was to raise money and awareness for Lend with Care, a charity that provides loans for small businesses in the developing world.  Students arrived in non-uniform and were met by a sweet stall at the front gate.  Later, they all enjoyed buying ice lollies in the warm weather as well as perusing through a huge collection of donated books and DVDs.  It was lovely to see a number of students with an ice lolly in one hand and a selection of books in the other.  Well done Sam; and an extended thank you to the prefect team who supported her.

Also on Friday, the out-going senior CCF cadets enjoyed a formal meal in the school refectory to acknowledge their time, celebrate their efforts and thank the many adult volunteers who support the cadets week in, week out.  It was a pleasant affair in the cooling, evening sun. 

This week is the start of a two-week period where we see Year 12 sit their UCAS exams: a set of exams across all subjects which will help teaching staff predict their students their UCAS grades.  The year group has been working hard over recent weeks, so best of luck to them all.