Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Firstly, I wish to say well done to Matt Mcguire, Archie Strudwick, George Halpin, Ben Hursey and Fin Smith all of Year 12 who took part in the 2.6 Challenge this Sunday 26th April.  They all completed their 26km individual run in just under 2 hours, and raised a significant amount of money for The Blackthorn Trust, a local charity that helps people with mental health issues.  Well done boys.

It seems that these five students have inspired others to do the same.  Theo Ronchetti and Matthew Sherry of Year 7 have arranged to take part in the Medway and Maidstone Athletics Club marathon this Sunday 3rd May.  The boys will be running one quarter of a marathon each.  They have chosen to support The Heart of Kent Hospice and The Royal British Legion Industries.  If you would like to support the boys, then please click on the link. https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=MandMACMarathonBusters&isTeam=true Good luck boys.

As you can appreciate, school is very quiet.  Apart from a few students and members of staff the place is empty.  While we are closed though, a lot of work is going on.  The annual Easter deep clean is taking pace as well as a number of premises jobs.  The biggest job currently taking place is the conversion of room 90 to the new CCF Headquarters.  Eventually, the CCF will move out of the Headmaster’s House and into its new home.  Cadets and adult volunteers will be able to see how it is coming along when they return, with the aim being for the CCF to move into its new home by September.