Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Welcome back everyone and welcome to Term 5.  I hope you have all had a good Easter break, and that you and your families are well and keeping safe.

We return this week knowing that we are in lockdown for a further three weeks and with no idea of when schools might reopen.  But we do return knowing more about what is to happen with years 11 and 13.  Their examinations are sadly not going to be taking place, instead being replaced by predicted grades.  A lot more work now needs to occur to ensure this happens, but the guidance published at the start of the Easter break from Ofqual was extremely helpful.  Regular updates to parents of years 11 and 13 will be provided.

For years 7 – 10 and 12, learning continues but in a virtual way.  Work will be uploaded onto our VLE and Microsoft Teams just as we did in the last two weeks before the Easter break.   Students should follow their normal timetable and complete the work being asked of them.  Any issues then they should make contact with their teachers.  As we develop more effective ways of using Microsoft Teams then expect to see different approaches in our teaching.

Finally, good luck to five students in Year 12 who are taking part in the 2.6 Challenge this Sunday 26th April.  Matt Mcguire, Archie Strudwick, George Halpin, Ben Hursey and Fin Smith have all decided to take part in a 26km individual run to raise money for The Blackthorn Trust, a local charity that helps people with mental health issues.  If you would like to support them then please click on https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?pageId=1161130