Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Tuesday 8 October 2019

HM Blog - Tuesday 8th October 2019


Firstly, I would like to thank College House for arranging the first charity day of the academic year last Friday.  We saw many students and staff enjoying the College House Fete at break and lunch which was put on to raise money for the Maidstone charity Mind.  Early figures indicate a total of £2300 being raised.  Well done everyone.


Congratulations to the U12 rugby squads who beat Beths Grammar School at home at the weekend and to the U14 squad who won away.  What also added to a winning Saturday for MGS was the World Cup result of England beating Argentina 39 - 10.  With so many parents accompanying their boys we decided to show the World Cup match in the pavilion clubhouse.  Wins all round, a cuppa, and a bite to eat were all warmly received and all added to a good start to the weekend.


This week is a very busy one, with yesterday being the quietest.  Tomorrow we welcome parents of year 7 boys into the school to attend the Year 7 Welcome Evening.  It is an opportunity to explain in more detail what parents can expect over the coming months and years as they begin their relationship with us.  


On Wednesday we officially open the new War Memorial Library.  Author and Old Maidstonian Dan Abnett is the guest of honour, who will not only be opening the Library, but will also be running a workshop for a group of students.  Former students and staff, donors, and relatives of some of the fallen Old Maidstonians, along with current students, staff and governors, will all present.


On Thursday we not only will be welcoming Mark Fenton, CEO of the Grammar School Heads’ Association, to spend a day in school seeing what we do, we will also be enjoying some music and variety at the Performing Arts Autumn Showcase.  Do come along to the latter - performances start at 6.30pm.


And on Friday we open our doors to the wider community for the first Year 6 Open Morning.  That time of the year has come around when we look forward to next September and welcome families who are considering MGS as the school for their sons.  Year 7 guides will be providing tours, supported by senior prefects and staff who will be on hand to answer any questions.