Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Tuesday 15 October 2019

I cannot believe this is my last blog entry of Term 1 - where have the last seven weeks gone?!
Firstly, I wish to congratulate all of the rugby squads for their performances at the weekend.  This weekend’s fixtures were against Sir Joseph Williamson Mathematical School with all squads winning their respective matches.  Close games were the U15s and 2nd XV who narrowly won 22 - 21 and 10 - 7 respectively.  Well done to all the boys involved and many thanks to the members of staff who accompanied them.
Continuing the rugby theme, congratulations to the 1st XV squad who beat St Dunstan’s 64 - 5 last Wednesday in the National Bowl competition.  One more game and we progress from the regional level of the competition to the national one.  
This week is another busy one for the school and me.  Yesterday after school I attended the first Old Maidstonian Society committee meeting of the academic year and the Parents’ Association AGM.  Both the Old Maidstonian Society and the Parents’ Association do incredible work supporting the school raising money and providing opportunities for their members to socialise.  Events coming up in November are the annual PA Firework Display and the OM London Get-Together.  We look forward to welcoming many respective members.
Today I am going into London to attend the Grammar School Heads’ Association October Seminar and the annual House of Commons Reception.  These events provide excellent opportunities for networking as well as providing important training for grammar school heads.  Before going into London we held our second Year 6 Open Morning - inviting families into school to see if we are a choice for their sons for next September.
And on Thursday is our Year 6 Open Evening which is probably the most important event of the school year.  Every member of staff along with many hundreds of our students will be supporting their school during the evening putting on numerous subject exhibitions and displays advertising what we do here.  It always proves to be a busy occasion, but an incredibly rewarding one.