Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tuesday 16th January 2018
Yesterday and today Mr Tony Smith, former Headteacher of Dartford Grammar School, is spending time in school to look at what we do with a fresh pair of eyes.  During his time he will be walking the school, speaking with staff and students and visiting lessons.  The outcome of his visit will provide us with a further opportunity to reflect on our practices and consider different ways of doing things.
Yesterday after school, I chaired the Extended Senior Leadership Team meeting looking at a number of aspects of the school; which was then followed by attending the January Development Fund Committee and Old Maidstonian Committee meetings.  Lots of different initiatives were discussed but all having a focus on how they both continue to support the workings of the school.
All of this week Year 13 students are completing their mock examinations which will provide them, their families and us with feedback on how they have progressed since their Year 12 examinations and what now needs to be done before the real examinations in the summer. Good luck everyone.
Tonight after school the teaching staff have an extended meeting continuing to look at what learning is going on in our classrooms and how we are extending that learning to outside of the classroom.  Year 7 and 8 students will have moved onto a homework timetable and it is vital that new working habits develop to support how students learn and organise themselves.
On Friday, I am attending the Grammar School Heads’ Association Steering Group meeting in Birmingham as one of the Kent representatives.  The Group meets three times a year and is made up of headteachers that represent all the grammar schools across the country.  A number of things will be discussed.
Congratulations to the U16 Football Squad who successfully reached the last 16 of the English Schools’ National Cup Tournament beating Thomas Tallis School 2 – 1.  Scorers were Bash Ryan and Will Haywood.  This is a fantastic achievement for the squad and the entire school.  Best wishes to the boys in the next round.