Tuesday, 23 January 2018

23 January 2018

Although we had a cold, wet and snowy weekend, it is strangely starting to feel like spring is only just around the corner. A few small buds have started appear on the trees around us, but more noticeably in school, it is the feel of the senior year groups that really leaves the impression that the summer exam season really isn’t far off. Year 13 have just completed their Trial Exams and Year 11 really have started to find the momentum needed for the summer. We will be publishing our calendar of revision classes in the next week or so to support all with this challenging, but exciting time.


Sometimes schools can seem like they are forgetting the younger years when so much energy and focus looks like it goes into the exam groups, but that is never the case at MGS. The plans for Extended Learning Week are starting to gather pace, the Year 8s have just completed their exams, Years 7 and Year 8 have responded brilliantly to the demands of the new Homework Timetable and Years 9 and 10 are currently setting remarkably high standards as they work through the initial stages of their GCSEs. Academically, there are things happening in every year group and we are grateful for the enthusiasm and energy of all of the MGS community.


The school’s football teams are continuing to do battle in the later rounds of major national competitions and it was fascinating to see Mr Hathaway’s 1st XV Development Squad take on Hayes last Wednesday. This is a team made up of Year 11 and 12 students, who will form the majority of next year’s senior rugby team. It’s always a funny feeling as you realise the great players you have had during the year will soon be leaving, only then to see the exciting development of the younger players ready to seize their opportunity. This past weekend, MGS students also took part in the Kent Cross-Country Championships, with all eleven students performing well. Ben Hughes (8th of 88) and Hamish O’Reilly (14th of 88) particularly shone in the Intermediate Competition, and Oliver Brownridge (5th of 108) Alistair Shelley (1st of 108) excelled in the Year 7 Competition. As with the academics, MGS is never standing still and at the same time as everything else going on, we also send our best wishes to all those who departed for Harvard this past weekend for what will be a truly unique experience. A short and busy term, but an exciting start to 2018.


R Ferguson

Deputy Head