Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Firstly I would like to thank Mr Ferguson, the deputy head, who wrote my Headmaster's Blog in my absence last week.  On Thursday 18 January, just three days before the Year 12 Harvard trip was due to leave, Mr Gymer had to pull out as he was too ill to travel.  He was extremely disappointed as he had worked incredibly hard for months planning the trip and supporting the 24 students prepare for its rigour.  I instead stepped in at the last minute and so was out of school last week, but did keep in regular contact with the Senior Leadership a Team ensuring that things were well at MGS. 
Despite the last minute preparations that I needed to make, I am so pleased I went.  It was such a pleasure spending the week with the students.  The Harvard trip has been part of this school for over 10 years, but it wasn't until last week that I really appreciated what went on.  Seeing Maidstonians debate numerous in depth and complicated issues on a global scale with delegates representing over 50 countries was humbling.  I had complete respect for all of them, sometimes wishing that I had had a similar opportunity when I was at school.  I wish to thank all 24 students, as well as Ms Mason and Mrs Van Mol for making the week one in which I will never forget.  It has taught me a lot and encouraged me to think differently about the work that I do and the role that I undertake.  Thank you.

Now I am back in school, the job of leading MGS continues.  Last night I chaired an SLT meeting that considered the feedback the school received following Tony Smith's visit two weeks ago.  His report highlighted a number of things that we could now consider and so action will now be taken to address them.

Tomorrow the MGS Development Fund welcomes donors and supporters to an event in the evening to say thank you.  The school has started building the new pavilion and the Development Fund has now reached a point that can support it.  The evening will consist of a few speeches from key people involved in the project, but mainly provide an opportunity for supporters to engage with each other and meet those involved.

And on Friday, the annual MGS Parents' Association Quiz Night takes place.  This year the quiz has the theme, 'The 100 Years Quiz', and already a number of teams have registered their interest.  If you are interested and can get a team together then please do contact the school before Friday.  The quiz starts at 7.30pm.  See you there.

And finally, congratulations to Lewis King of Tonbridge House who has made the reduced squad for the England Roller Hockey Team following successful training sessions all season.  Well done Lewis.



Tuesday, 23 January 2018

23 January 2018

Although we had a cold, wet and snowy weekend, it is strangely starting to feel like spring is only just around the corner. A few small buds have started appear on the trees around us, but more noticeably in school, it is the feel of the senior year groups that really leaves the impression that the summer exam season really isn’t far off. Year 13 have just completed their Trial Exams and Year 11 really have started to find the momentum needed for the summer. We will be publishing our calendar of revision classes in the next week or so to support all with this challenging, but exciting time.


Sometimes schools can seem like they are forgetting the younger years when so much energy and focus looks like it goes into the exam groups, but that is never the case at MGS. The plans for Extended Learning Week are starting to gather pace, the Year 8s have just completed their exams, Years 7 and Year 8 have responded brilliantly to the demands of the new Homework Timetable and Years 9 and 10 are currently setting remarkably high standards as they work through the initial stages of their GCSEs. Academically, there are things happening in every year group and we are grateful for the enthusiasm and energy of all of the MGS community.


The school’s football teams are continuing to do battle in the later rounds of major national competitions and it was fascinating to see Mr Hathaway’s 1st XV Development Squad take on Hayes last Wednesday. This is a team made up of Year 11 and 12 students, who will form the majority of next year’s senior rugby team. It’s always a funny feeling as you realise the great players you have had during the year will soon be leaving, only then to see the exciting development of the younger players ready to seize their opportunity. This past weekend, MGS students also took part in the Kent Cross-Country Championships, with all eleven students performing well. Ben Hughes (8th of 88) and Hamish O’Reilly (14th of 88) particularly shone in the Intermediate Competition, and Oliver Brownridge (5th of 108) Alistair Shelley (1st of 108) excelled in the Year 7 Competition. As with the academics, MGS is never standing still and at the same time as everything else going on, we also send our best wishes to all those who departed for Harvard this past weekend for what will be a truly unique experience. A short and busy term, but an exciting start to 2018.


R Ferguson

Deputy Head

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tuesday 16th January 2018
Yesterday and today Mr Tony Smith, former Headteacher of Dartford Grammar School, is spending time in school to look at what we do with a fresh pair of eyes.  During his time he will be walking the school, speaking with staff and students and visiting lessons.  The outcome of his visit will provide us with a further opportunity to reflect on our practices and consider different ways of doing things.
Yesterday after school, I chaired the Extended Senior Leadership Team meeting looking at a number of aspects of the school; which was then followed by attending the January Development Fund Committee and Old Maidstonian Committee meetings.  Lots of different initiatives were discussed but all having a focus on how they both continue to support the workings of the school.
All of this week Year 13 students are completing their mock examinations which will provide them, their families and us with feedback on how they have progressed since their Year 12 examinations and what now needs to be done before the real examinations in the summer. Good luck everyone.
Tonight after school the teaching staff have an extended meeting continuing to look at what learning is going on in our classrooms and how we are extending that learning to outside of the classroom.  Year 7 and 8 students will have moved onto a homework timetable and it is vital that new working habits develop to support how students learn and organise themselves.
On Friday, I am attending the Grammar School Heads’ Association Steering Group meeting in Birmingham as one of the Kent representatives.  The Group meets three times a year and is made up of headteachers that represent all the grammar schools across the country.  A number of things will be discussed.
Congratulations to the U16 Football Squad who successfully reached the last 16 of the English Schools’ National Cup Tournament beating Thomas Tallis School 2 – 1.  Scorers were Bash Ryan and Will Haywood.  This is a fantastic achievement for the squad and the entire school.  Best wishes to the boys in the next round.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Welcome back everyone; I hope you all had a good Christmas, and Happy New Year.

The term has started well with a number of events already underway.  Last week years 7 and 8 had an assembly to hear about their new homework timetable which they will now be working from.  Year 12 also had an assembly to hear about the process that now begins to find the next Senior Prefect Team and next School Captain and School Vice-Captain.  We await their applications.

This week Year 8 students are completing examinations to help them make more informed choices when deciding upon their GCSE options.  And at the same time Year 13 students are continuing to revise for their mock examinations that take place next week.

On Thursday this week we welcome parents of Year 9 students to attend the Year 9 Parents’ Evening.  This is the first opportunity that parents will hear about their child’s progress following the beginning of the three-year GSCE period which started back in September.

Congratulations to Simon Coppard of Corpus Christi House who has been accepted on the 2018 Advanced Academy in Sporting Excellence Programme.  He is one of only 200 athletes, chosen by the National Governing Body, to have been selected to participate in this National Sports Qualification.  Well done Simon.