Friday, 4 March 2016

1 March 2016

This week is an extremely busy one for me and the School.  Starting yesterday and for the next two weeks the Senior Leadership Team and pastoral leaders in the Upper School interview each and every Year 11 student about their thoughts and aspirations for the 6th Form.  It is vital that we understand their choices and how best to support them during the last few months before the GCSE examinations in the summer.  I hope the boys find the interviews helpful.

Parents of Year 8 this week receive their son’s GCSE recommendations: the subjects that both the boys wish to study and what we consider to be suitable for them.  This then forms the basis of the Academic Interview Day on Friday when all Year 8 parents are invited to come in to school and meet with a member of staff to discuss progress and GCSE choices.

On Wednesday we welcome Year 13 parents to attend their child’s parents’ evening; their last ever one.  There are only about 8 school weeks left before Year 13 leave us and begin their A2 examinations.  Keep working hard everyone. On Thursday this week is the Spring Concert.  Once again students from all year groups will be involved in performing a number of pieces from a variety of musical genres.  The concert begins at 7pm, so please do come along.

On Friday students and staff from Hurricane House launch a new event that hopefully will be part of the School calendar each year and be enjoyed by all Houses.  Hurricane House parents have been invited in to witness some of the talent that the House can offer, and I know that many of the students are excited about this opportunity.  Many thanks to the students and staff who are involved, and particularly thanks must go to Ms Alloy who has led the organisation from start to finish.  Sadly I will not be able to attend this Hurricane House event as I am travelling up to Oldham to visit a school to look at how they have been developing concepts of mental toughness and resilience amongst their student body.  Developing mental resilience is being talked about a lot within the education sector and many schools are now beginning to look at how they can develop such skills amongst their students.  It is important that every school addresses the need to prepare young people for their future; not just in terms of examination success and providing an all-round balanced curriculum, but also in terms of characteristics and skills that young people can draw upon in their lives.  The intention is to build a positive relationship with key staff at the Oldham School to share their knowledge and experience with MGS staff.    

 Finally I wish to congratulate Tom Lindsey and Joshua Gray both of Year 12 who have been appointed as School Captain and School Vice-Captain respectively for the following academic year.  Well done to them both.