Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Tuesday 28 January 2025

Hello there, Mr Hanratty here in the absence of the Headteacher who is currently in New York supporting our annual Year 12 trip to the Model United Nations Conference. The company of students and staff are spending the first half of the trip in the Big Apple, taking in all the city has to offer, before traveling to Boston for the weekend and the business end of the trip. We wish all involved the very best and a massive thanks to all the staff and students who helped prepare the students in the build-up to this demanding event. A special thanks to Isaac M, School Captain (Year 13, Corpus Christi House), and Mr Andrews (OM 2021), who contributed to the trip during their respective years and have shared invaluable expertise on how to best prepare.

        On the debating front, we’re delighted that our Senior Debating Team has made it to the Schools’ Mace Regional Finals on Tuesday 11 February thanks to the debating prowess of Isaac M (Year 13 Corpus Christi House), Kiran S-L (Year 13, Barton House), Henry A (Year 13, Tonbridge House) and Benjamin B (Year 13, College House). Thank you also to Mrs Coveney who supported the team through the event. The team was one of 360 schools competing in Round One back in November, and has made it to the final 72 schools – this is a significant milestone which we are certainly proud of them achieving.

        Whilst on the topic of national competitions, our 1st XI senior squad will take on Hampton School, at home this Friday in the quarter-final of the ESFA National Cup. Making it this far in the tournament is an incredible achievement in itself, and our school community is right behind the lads as they build up in their final preparations for the match. Kick-off is at 2pm and the match is billed to be a spectacular game of football considering the level of competition and determination demonstrated in the previous matches. A massive thank you must also go to Mr Hughes who has coached and led the team to this position. We’re behind you all, you’ve got this!

        This week in school, we see horizontal year group assemblies for Year 11 and Year 10, following the House assemblies I delivered last week and yesterday. Last night we had an information evening for parents/carers of the students going on the History Trip to Vienna at half term. On Wednesday, many of our gifted mathematicians will compete in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge. This 60-minute, 25 multiple-choice challenge encourages mathematical reasoning and will take place here at the school. Thank you Mr Calvert for organising and overseeing the challenge. Also this week, we see formal GCSE exams take place for Food Preparation and Nutrition, with the practical exams beginning today and running until Friday. Good luck to all the Year 11 boys sitting these exams, and if the aromas I’ve been taking in whilst walking past your lesson are anything to go by, then I’m sure you’re all in for a set of great results. Finally, on Friday whilst all our eyes are on the 2pm kick off, our CCF cadets and staff will slip away for their CCF Recruit Camp which will take place across the weekend. Thank you to the staff giving up their weekend to give our cadets this great experience.

        Best wishes to you all and follow our social media channels for updates on these events this week.

Mr H