Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Tuesday 19 November 2024


HT Blog - Tuesday 19 November 2024

Firstly, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the College Pastoral and Prefect Team for putting on last Friday’s Children in Need charity day.  What with the rowathon, the jumble sale, the cake sale, and guess the weight of a student, there was much for everyone to enjoy.  Alongside these, and the usual non-uniform gate collection, a number of staff and students also took part in a 24-hour sportathon which saw Mr Williams from Student Services play a variety of sports throughout the day and night.  Well done Mr Williams and thank you to everyone who supported him.

This week the Year 11 mock exams continue into their second week with many more exams still to complete.  Following numerous conversations with Year 11, the exams seem to have gone well so far with the usual ‘some good’ and ‘some not so good’ comments.  Continued good luck to Year 11.

Also, this week the entire student body will be shown the recently produced MGS 475 film that was commissioned last year to commemorate the school’s birthday year.  It was filmed and directed by Chris Haywood, Old Maidstonian and 2020-21 school captain, who back in April spent a week in school filming the school and interviewing numerous students and members of staff to capture life at MGS in 2024.  It is a beautifully crafted piece of film which I know will be received positively.

Three of our year 13 students Theo, Rafe and Emir recently took place in a coding competition completing the task in a sixth of the allocated time.  The organisers contacted the school to pass on their comments about the exceptional efficiency, combined with the quality of the students’ solutions, speaking volumes of the students’ technical capabilities and problem-solving acumen.  Thank you to these students for representing the school in such a positive way - a testament to the values of Maidstonians.