Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Firstly, I would like to thank the staff who supported the students at the weekend at either the first Saturday rugby fixture of the year against Gravesend Grammar School or the Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Assessed Expedition.  The weather was kind to everyone involved, and the results for the rugby were in our favour, winning five out of the seven matches.

As I mention results, I must also acknowledge the first senior football match of the year that took place last Wednesday against Oakwood Park Grammar School.  It was certainly a good day for MGS as the 1st XI beat Oakwood Park Grammar School 4 – 1.  Well done Maidstonians.

Continuing the theme of sport, thank you to the senior players and staff who have made it possible for two inter-house competitions to take place so far this year.  In the first week of term we saw benchball, and last week we saw netball.  The winners of the benchball competition were Corpus Christi House, with Tonbridge taking the honours in netball. The bar is now set very high for the upcoming touch rugby inter-house tournaments.

This week is a slightly quieter week following a busy start to the year.  There are a number of rugby and football fixtures across different age groups against a variety of Kent schools, and on Wednesday we are hosting our annual Higher Education Fair for years 10 to 13, where over 50 university and higher education institutions will be present in school promoting their organisation and providing essential advice to some of our more senior students on the next steps.  Parents of those year groups do come along – it starts at 4.30pm.