Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Tuesday 16 July 2024

They say, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, and they also say, ‘time seems to travel faster the older you get’, so writing this final blog of the year, I really cannot believe that we have reached the end of the academic year. 

The main focus of the year has been to acknowledge and celebrate the school’s 475th birthday year, and in doing so has allowed everyone associated with MGS to come together on numerous occasions as one Maidstonian community. Yesterday, for example, the entire school community processed down to All Saints Church for the annual Founders’ Day Service which was then followed with our Lower School Speech Day.  Both occasions were particularly special due to the school’s 475th birthday year, but also we were delighted to welcome the Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, Lady Colgrain as guest of honour.  A huge thank you to everyone who helped support yesterday’s events, and to those who have helped create the many memoires that we have seen right throughout the year that we will, I’m sure, all take away with us.  So for the final time this year: Happy Birthday MGS!

Have a wonderful summer break.