Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024

On Sunday we welcomed back the students who spent three days in the New Forest completing their Duke of Edinburgh Silver expedition.  The weather was extremely kind to them which certainly adds to the experience and enjoyment of camping out under the stars.  Thank you to the staff who accompanied them.

Today Year 12 begin their Year 12 UCAS examinations: the last big piece of assessed work before we say goodbye to the 2023-24 academic year.  These examinations form a significant part of their two-year A-level study programme as well as helping us predict the students their overall UCAS predicted grade.  Good luck and best wishes to Year 12.

Following on from last week’s blog and the entry I made about the recent MGS Art Exhibition, I am delighted to say that the four members of staff who support the work of the Art Department are having their own work displayed at an upcoming exhibition in September at Maidstone Museum.  Between them they offer over a century of professional practice, and so seeing their own work will certainly inspire the many Maidstonians who enjoy the subject.  The exhibition begins in September and continues all the way to December.

Yesterday we welcomed back our own Year 11 as well as welcoming a number of new students to the school who wish to join the MGS Sixth Form.  Over three days these students will enjoy experiencing what it is like being an MGS sixth former as well as undertaking a number of taster lessons in their chosen A-level subjects.  I hope the experience is a positive one and that we see many return here formally in September.

On Thursday this week we will be enjoying the MGS Summer Performing Arts Showcase: an event where our budding musicians and performers come together and show off their talents in a number of different ways.  The event will be taking place in the Big Hall and will begin at 6.30pm.  Do come along.

Finally, I would like to congratulate two Maidstonians for achieving significant success in their chosen field last weekend.  Firstly, to Henry of Year 8 and Tonbridge House who came second in his category for the Kent and Medway Grammar School Association Piano Competition held in Canterbury where he competed against a number of students from grammar schools across Kent and Medway.  And secondly, to Owen Visser of Year 12 and Barton House who competed in the All England IPF Power Lifting Competition. He placed 1st in his category making him the English Champion for under 93kgs, and in doing broke two records, one being unbroken for the last seven years.  Well done to them both.