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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024

On Sunday we welcomed back the students who spent three days in the New Forest completing their Duke of Edinburgh Silver expedition.  The weather was extremely kind to them which certainly adds to the experience and enjoyment of camping out under the stars.  Thank you to the staff who accompanied them.

Today Year 12 begin their Year 12 UCAS examinations: the last big piece of assessed work before we say goodbye to the 2023-24 academic year.  These examinations form a significant part of their two-year A-level study programme as well as helping us predict the students their overall UCAS predicted grade.  Good luck and best wishes to Year 12.

Following on from last week’s blog and the entry I made about the recent MGS Art Exhibition, I am delighted to say that the four members of staff who support the work of the Art Department are having their own work displayed at an upcoming exhibition in September at Maidstone Museum.  Between them they offer over a century of professional practice, and so seeing their own work will certainly inspire the many Maidstonians who enjoy the subject.  The exhibition begins in September and continues all the way to December.

Yesterday we welcomed back our own Year 11 as well as welcoming a number of new students to the school who wish to join the MGS Sixth Form.  Over three days these students will enjoy experiencing what it is like being an MGS sixth former as well as undertaking a number of taster lessons in their chosen A-level subjects.  I hope the experience is a positive one and that we see many return here formally in September.

On Thursday this week we will be enjoying the MGS Summer Performing Arts Showcase: an event where our budding musicians and performers come together and show off their talents in a number of different ways.  The event will be taking place in the Big Hall and will begin at 6.30pm.  Do come along.

Finally, I would like to congratulate two Maidstonians for achieving significant success in their chosen field last weekend.  Firstly, to Henry of Year 8 and Tonbridge House who came second in his category for the Kent and Medway Grammar School Association Piano Competition held in Canterbury where he competed against a number of students from grammar schools across Kent and Medway.  And secondly, to Owen Visser of Year 12 and Barton House who competed in the All England IPF Power Lifting Competition. He placed 1st in his category making him the English Champion for under 93kgs, and in doing broke two records, one being unbroken for the last seven years.  Well done to them both.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday 18 June 2024

I start this week’s blog with a thank you to the Art Department.  Last week’s Art Exhibition was excellent.  A number of students whose work was on display were in attendance, and they were joined by their parents, staff and friends of the school.  Congratulations to the three prize winners in years 11, 12 and 13, and a huge thank you to the caretakers and Mrs Morton for once again spending many hours setting up the exhibition. 

This week is the last week of the GCSE and A level examinations.  Year 11 and Year 13 have been working incredibly hard during these last few weeks, and I am sure that they are relieved the examinations are coming to an end.  For those last few who have yet to finish: keep going, the end is in sight.

Today is the Year 10 Parents’ Evening where parents will hear from their child’s teachers how their child is getting on.  Following the Year 10 examinations at the end of April, the upcoming Year 11 mock examinations in November, and the thoughts of life beyond Year 11, there will be lots to talk about.  I hope the evening is a positive one for many.

At the end of the week a group of students, accompanied by Ms Alloy and Mr Pinn, will be heading off to the New Forest to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Expedition.  In addition, a group of year 9 army cadets, accompanied by the CCF Army Section, will be enjoying a weekend in Mereworth Woods completing a number of exercises in preparation for the summer camp in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Firstly, I would like to thank the MGS CCF for acknowledging last week’s 80th anniversary of D-Day.  The CCF gathered together on the school field and positioned themselves in the figure of 80 before the school drone went up to take a photograph.  Thank you to the CCF and all of the adult volunteers who supported the commemoration.

I would also like to thank the 1st XI cricket squad for taking part in the annual MCC game last week.  The MGS players took to the Mote Park Cricket Club wicket and enjoyed a number of overs against the MCC team, but sadly could not match their power.  The MCC scored over 250 runs in their innings and then MGS was bowled out for just 33.  Never mind boys.  They did tell me though that they enjoyed the lunch!

Well done to the many year 9 students who took to the footpaths and country lanes of Kent at the weekend to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition.  The weather was kind to them and let us hope they valued the opportunity to practise before they complete the real thing later in the year.  A huge thank you to the members of staff who gave up their weekend to supervise. 

This week is the annual MGS Art Exhibition where GCSE and A-level students’ work is put on display for everyone to enjoy.  The exhibition takes place in the Big Hall on Wednesday from 4pm, with presentations being at 5pm.  Do come along. 

I will be out of school for a couple of days this week as the Grammar School Heads Association annual conference is taking place.  Each year grammar school headteachers across the country come together in London at the RAF Club to spend a day sharing good practice and hearing about current issues that affect us all.  I am sure it will be another good conference.  I will be back in school on Thursday.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

4 June 2024

Welcome to Term 6 and the beginning of the last term of the academic year - I really cannot believe we are in June already.  The weather is better, the days are longer, and the summer sun is certainly making a difference.  It is also the time of year when we as Maidstonians enjoy the annual Quad assemblies: coming together as one school community in the Quad each week for the whole-school assembly.  With it being the first one of the year I will be leading it, and also, with it being Pride Month, I will be speaking about something that I am proud of: the recent Everest Base Camp trip.  I will be joined by Henry of Year 12, and between us we will be sharing our thoughts and experiences on what has become a proud achievement of our lives.

On returning to school this week we also see Year 11 and Year 13 return to their respective GCSE and A-level examinations.  The examination period has reached its mid-point, and so a number of the students are already beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Keep going Year 11 and Year 13 as each day of examinations brings the end one step closer.

This week we welcome our prospective Maidstonians to enjoy an afternoon in the school at our annual Year 6 House Teas.  Starting today, and over the following three days, students and their parents will come into school to attend their respective house tea: an opportunity to meet their fellow Maidstonians and play a few getting-to-know-you activities.  When the students arrive many of them are nervous, but after the event they leave with a smile on their face and an excitement for what is to come as they prepare to become a fully-fledged Maidstonain. 

Finally, I wish to congratulate the U13, U14 and U15 football squads for each winning their respective Maidstone District Cup Final.  Over the two weeks before the May half term break each squad played their final at the Gallagher Stadium, and each final resulted in a win for Maidstone Grammar School.  The U13 squad beat Wrotham School 4 -2 on penalties after a 4 – 4 draw, the U14 squad beat The Malling School 4 – 3 also on penalties after a 2 – 2 draw, and the U15 squad beat Aylesford School 3 – 0.  Huge congratulations to all three squads, and thank you to the PE Department for collectively coaching and supporting the players throughout the season.  Well done all.