Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Welcome to my first blog of Term 2; I hope you all had a good half term break. 

The term started straight away yesterday with us inviting parents of Year 11 into the school to attend the Year 11 Information Evening.  It is at this time of year when Year 11 really begin to think about what they want to be doing beyond their GCSEs - ensuring they position themselves well to achieve their best.  In just over six months’ time Year 11 will begin their GCSE examinations, but before that they need to complete their mock examinations as well as understand how the sixth form application process works.  Last night was the opportunity to hear from us about the rest of the year.

On Saturday, our biggest event, the MGS Parents’ Association Firework Display takes place.  The PA has run this event for almost 20 years, and during that time it has grown in size and popularity.  Many members of the MGS community come together to ensure the event goes ahead, so I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to those people and to everyone who will be coming along to support.  If you are keen to come along, and have not yet purchased a ticket, please do so online.  There will be no ticket sales on the night.  Gates open at 5pm with the display starting at 7pm.