Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Firstly, I would like to thank the entire school community for understanding the difficulties we experienced last week with the hot weather.  It was very unusual to have such warm weather at the start of an academic year, but just like at all other times, the community of the school rolled up their sleeves (in some cases, literally) and got on with it.  Fortunately, the weather is to be cooler from this week, but I expect when we are in the deepest, dark depths of the winter we will be crying out for warmer times.  Thank you Maidstonians for getting through the first week.

Following on from the events last week we have a slightly quieter week ahead of us - but with it still being the start of a new year, there are still matters to deal with.  This week students will be having their individual and sibling photographs taken - both for our own use as well as for parents to enjoy.  In addition, we welcome parents of Year 12 students to attend the Year 12 Information Evening on Thursday: an evening to hear from key staff about the year ahead.

Providing opportunities away from school, the CCF RAF section has a trip out today to Biggin Hill Airport, and a group of students will be out on Thursday completing their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition. 

However, the main event taking place this week is a week-long event involving Year 11 and their parents.  Throughout the week form tutors will be meeting with Year 11 students and communicating with parents about the upcoming year and what the students should be doing this year to ensure they do well next summer.  These meetings and conversations are crucial to ensure Year 11 approach the year with positivity, and get the best out of it before their GCSEs.  If you are a Year 11 parent then do look out for details.