Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Firstly, congratulations to Corpus Christi netball players who won last week’s Inter-House Mixed Netball Competition.  There was a fantastic turnout for the competition, with all four houses well represented and over 35 sixth form students taking part.  Many of the students had never played netball before, but learned quickly and gave their all for their team.  It was also pleasing to see many supporters, lining the court and giving encouragement to those playing, after school had finished. 

Last week we received some pleasing news after an application we made to the Woodland Trust for some new tree saplings.  We have been given 30 new tree and hedge saplings that will help contribute to our green agenda as well as improve the aesthetics of the school site.  We will receive them in March and look to galvanise the students to help plant them.

This week the Year 10 exams, that started last week, continue.  These exams are not only helping the students, parents and us understand where the students are, they also illustrate to the students how examinations work and what the regulations are.  So far, so good.

The main feature of this week is the Post 16 Open Evening, which takes place on Thursday, and the accompanying Post 16 Open Mornings, taking place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  At these events we will be welcoming our own year 11 students and parents as well as many other students and their families from other schools to see if they wish to consider MGS for the sixth form.  The open mornings are appointment only, but the evening event is open door.  Doors open at 4.30pm.

Finally, good luck to the Senior 1st XI Football Squad who play Norton Knatchbull School in the Kent league on Wednesday.  The game is away, and if they win, we win the Kent league for the first time for over 10 years.  Best wishes to the players and to their coach, Mr Hughes.