Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Firstly, a huge thank you to all the School’s rugby players who came out to play the biggest game of the season, The Judd School.  Following last week’s mixed performances against Dartford Grammar School I expect some players approached The Judd School with a little bit of trepidation.  Sadly, many of the results did not go our way, but a big well done to the U15 squad who came away with a win. 

And also at the weekend, four boys from years 9 and 10: Alan, Jack, Alex and Theo all competed in the final of the National Cross Country Competition in Newquay.  Out of the 28 schools that competed, the MGS team came 16th, which was a fantastic result.  Well done boys, and thank you to the parents who made the long journey down to support them.

This week Year 11 return to normal lessons after two weeks of mock examinations.  Teachers are now busy marking the papers, with results being shared before Christmas.  Let us hope they do well. 

The Year 12 Virtual Parents’ Evening is taking place today providing an opportunity for parents to hear how their children have progressed at the start of their A-Level studies.  This is the first parents’ evening of the year, and just like last year, we are delivering it through our new School Cloud system which seemed to go down well last year.  Fingers crossed the technology works!

Students in Year 8 this week are involved in two days of activities that will help them think about future careers and in doing so get them to consider what GCSE subject choices they wish to make.  We have run these two days of activities for Year 8 for a number of years now and we have found they really help the students think about what they want to do after they leave MGS.

And on Friday we are hosting our Christmas Charity Day where students will be encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper, buy goodies from the MGS Christmas market, and bring food donations in for a number of local homeless charities.  The usual £1 contribution on the gate for non-uniform will also apply.