Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Firstly, welcome back following the long weekend.  The May Day Bank Holiday weekend has always been my favourite bank holiday weekend of the year, and with the good weather, particularly on Saturday, it made for a pleasant extra break in the middle of a busy term.

Last week we enjoyed the last three inter-house football tournaments for years 7, 8 and 9.  Like all of the others they were strongly contested and played in good spirits. Congratulations to Barton House for winning both A and B competitions in Year 9; to Corpus Christi and College houses in Year 8; and Corpus Christi and Barton houses in Year 7.  All of these results get plugged into the overall House Cup Competition that will be awarded at the end of the academic year.  Thank you once again to the PE Department and to Mr Highsted for overseeing the events.

This week we welcome back Year 13 for their last three weeks of school.  During that time they will complete essential final assessments in each of their subjects before jetting off for a long summer holiday.  The hard work is not yet over, but some light at the end of the tunnel is slowly becoming visible. 

We also say goodbye this week to Year 11 who have come to the end of their time at MGS (for the moment).  They will complete all assessments by Friday and then leave having 17 weeks of holiday ahead of them!  Use it wisely, boys.

Finally, Haydn Price of Year 13 will be doing a 1.4 mile open-water swim in the Bournemouth 'Pier to Pier' on Saturday 3 July.  Haydn has started training, and gratefully welcomes donations towards the British Heart Foundation here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/haydn-price1?experiments=b2c_054_show_hide_fitness_totaliser%2Cb2c_059_donate_to_yourself_v3&isMobile=true&successType=StaticDonateButtonClick