Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Tuesday 16 November 2020

Firstly, I would like to thank those members of staff and students who helped organise the Children In Need charity day.  Collectively we raised nearly £1000, and enjoyed taking part in the virtual Children In Need duck race.  Over 300 members of the MGS community took part in the race, but sadly my duck, James Pond, came sixth.  Oh well!

Year 10 are now the eldest students in the school.  Currently, years 11, 12 and 13 are at home self-isolating so it is down to Year 10 to be the ambassadors of the school.  Teaching for years 11, 12 and 13 continues online, but nothing can replace the experience the students receive when in the classroom.  We look forward to them returning over the coming days.

The all-weather pitch is progressing extremely well and hopefully will be ready for use in December.  Being on duty each day in the Year 7 zone I have witnessed with my own eyes the gradual construction of the pitch, from the first hole being dug to now a completely flat tarmacked surface.  Over the coming days the shock pad, rubber crumb and then artificial grass layers get put down which will turn it from being a giant carpark to a 3G pitch.  We are all looking forward to it being completed.