Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Firstly, I would like to thank the entire school community for the excellent start we have had to the new academic year.  With the many changes we have had to make, both the students and staff have adjusted to them extremely well and have already settled into a new way of living.  All credit to them. 

This week is the first full week for everyone, and so hopefully by the end of the week everyone has got used to things.  With it being the first full week, we have also been able to introduce year group assemblies to each day, with this week’s theme being, ‘It’s Good to Talk’.  This quite simple mantra is being used to re-brand and re-launch the work we already do in school in supporting students with their mental health and wellbeing concerns.  So far the assemblies have been positively received and very much appreciated.

Also this week, on Thursday, every student in the school is having their individual photograph taken; so parents be ready to make a purchase if you would like.  Seeing one’s child grow up can sometimes remind us how old we are getting!