Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Welcome back to school and to Term 4; I hope you all had a good week’s rest. 

This week starts the new term with us hitting the ground running. 

Yesterday and today Mr Rivers and I, accompanied by Jonah and Jack the current School Captain and School Vice-Captain, interviewed the six shortlisted candidates from Year 12 who wish to take on the roles of School Captain and School Vice-Captain next year.  The interview process was a two-day rigorous affair to put the candidates through their paces, and now I have the difficult job in selecting the two successful ones.  I will be in a position to announce the successful candidates next week.

Also this week there is a lot of focus on Year 11.  Firstly, the students complete their mini-mocks - another set of assessments across all of their subjects to provide another picture in how well the students are performing and what they need to do in their last few weeks before study leave begins.  In addition to these mini-mocks all of the student in Year 11 will have a meeting with a senior member of staff to discuss their thoughts for the future and what steps they wish to take in the next phase of their education. 

On Wednesday parents of year 12 students are invited in to attend the Year 12 UCAS Evening.  The evening will be a chance for both parents and students to hear what the UCAS process is all about and how the students should be positioning themselves to get the best out of it.  Many of our students make university applications, and we have always been proud in the destinations are students go onto.

And finally, on Friday, we have a non-uniform day to raise money for the Parents’ Association and to collect donations for the up-and-coming Spring Fair, and the final of the Spelling Bee Competition takes place.  Over the last few weeks preliminary rounds have taken place to find the best speller of MGS.  The final on Friday will see the best spellers pitted against each other to find the ultimate winner.  From memory, the spellings from last year’s final were very hard indeed!