Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Welcome to my last blog of 2019.  I cannot believe we have reached the end of the first term of the academic year let alone the end of 2019.  It has been another demanding and rewarding year, and we are now looking forward to a well-deserved holiday.  Before we do though, there are a number of things to acknowledge.
Firstly, I would like to thank both the staff and students for organising last week’s Barton House charity day in support of the NSPCC.  The day had a joyful feel with the wearing of festive jumpers and a hotly contested mince pie eating competition.  The total amount raised was just under £1,750.  Well done all.
Congratulations to Tom Fryer of College House who represented the UKIP Party who won last week’s MGS Mock Election.  The outcome of the Election was unprecedented as both Tom Fryer and Liam Turner, who represented The Brexit Party, both received the same number of votes, but after consulting electoral rules, the final outcome was decided with a coin toss!  Well done Tom, and thank you to all other candidates who took part in the election.
Continuing the Christmas theme, today and tomorrow the catering team serve the students and staff their Christmas lunch; Barton and College students today and Corpus Christi and Tonbridge houses tomorrow.  Do enjoy the lunch and let us hope the students eat their sprouts!
Tonight after school we invite Old Maidstonians who left last year to return to their school to receive their A Level certificates.  A number of the year group are returning to receive applause for their achievements but also to see each other again and to catch up.  The occasion is always an enjoyable one.
Tomorrow is the MGS Carol Service which takes place at All Saints Church at 7pm.  The Service will follow a traditional format: hearing lessons and singing carols, before we all enjoy a mince pie and glass of mulled wine.  If you are free then please do come along.
And Thursday is the end of term before we break up to enjoy a couple of weeks with our friends and family.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.