Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Firstly, can I congratulate the senior students who played against Oakwood Park Grammar School at both rugby and football last Wednesday.  We always look forward to playing Oakwood Park as they are our closest competitors, and last week’s matches were once again a joy to watch.  The 1st XI football squad beat Oakwood 2 – 1, and the 1st XV rugby squad won 32 – 25.  Well done boys.  In addition to the senior players, I also wish to congratulate the U15 rugby squad who also beat Oakwood Park on Friday winning 31 – 12.  One of the best things about this game was the many students remaining behind after school to watch the second half despite it being a Friday afternoon.  Well done boys and thank you to everyone who came along to support.


Can I also thank all of the sixth form students who supported the Post 16 Open Morning last Friday and the MGS Parents’ Association Firework Display on Saturday.  Both events were opportunities for the school’s wider community to come in and see what we do, as well as giving our own students opportunities to give leadership and service to their school.  Thank you also to the members and helpers of the Parents’ Association for hosting another wonderful firework display considering the dreadful weather conditions earlier in the day. 


Tomorrow after school is our Post 16 Open Evening which is an event providing an opportunity for students who are considering joining our Sixth Form to see what we offer.  The evening is predominantly for students and parents of Year 11 as they are approaching a crucial part of their journey, but this year we are also inviting parents and students of Year 10 as we seek to continue to raise the aspiration and engagement of our students.  We look forward to welcoming everyone to the evening.          


Tomorrow is also another day when our senior football and rugby squads are representing the school.  The 1st XI squad plays Norton Knatchbull School and the 1st XV rugby squad plays Chatham and Claredon School in the National Bowl competition.  Good luck boys.


And on Friday we welcome governors, Old Maidstonians and friends of the school to attend our annual Remembrance Service which this year will be held in our redeveloped War Memorial Library.  Remembrance is very important at MGS and so it is right that we pause for a moment and remember the fallen Old Maidstonians, particularly this year from WWII.