Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Firstly, I would like thank everyone who was involved with the organisation in last Friday’s speech day, and congratulate again all senior prize winners.  It was a wonderful occasion which added to the already positive start we have had to the new academic year.  It was a good day for the school.


Congratulations to all rugby squads at the weekend for bringing home a clean sheet of wins for the School beating Gravesend Grammar School at U18, U15, U14 and U13 levels.  Well done boys, an excellent start to the season; long may it continue.  Next week is Cranbrook School.


Also, we are delighted to be able to share the further good news that we last week secured planning permission for our all-weather pitch project.  We can now very soon begin construction of the pitch which is very much needed as the school continues to expand.


This week all form tutors are arranging meetings to see parents of year 13 students to discuss what they can expect from us over the coming year, and understand how the UCAS process is going to work.  At these meetings the UCAS predicted grades and elements of the UCAS reference will be shared with the students so they can understand where they currently are and what they can do to improve.


Also starting from this week we have a number of library launch events that have been planned to mark the opening of the new library.  The official opening will not take place until early October, but these events have been arranged to illustrate the benefits of the new library with it now being the academic hub of the school.  The first of these events takes place on Thursday – a spoken word poetry workshop aimed at years 12 and 13.


On Thursday parents of year 12 students are invited into school to attend the Year 12 Information Evening.  The students have just embarked on their A Level studies and so it is important they understand what is to come over the next two years.  The evening starts at 7pm.