Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Firstly, I would like to thank the entire staffing body for another excellent Extended Learning Week.  While Year 10 and Year 12 were completing a week of work experience, years 7 to 9 enjoyed a week of fun activities.  The weather stayed fine, which added to the success of the week, and the hard work in preparation for the week paid off.  Thank you.


On return to normality yesterday we held a very special event in the school.  Ben Babington-Browne, an Old Maidstonian who left in 2000, died tragically in Afghanistan exactly 10 years ago.  He was the last Old Maidstonian to have lost his life whilst serving in the armed forces, and so it was befitting to commemorate the occasion with a small memorial service.  In attendance was Ben’s family; Mr Turrell, Ben’s Headmaster as well as Governors.  Ben’s name, and all other names of Old Maidstonians who have lost their lives whilst serving since the 2nd World War, will be remembered on a new memorial board that will hang in the new library. 


Also yesterday we welcomed parents of Year 10 into school to attend the Year 10 Parents’ Evening.  Even though we are nearing the end of the academic year it is vital at this stage to prepare the boys for the next 12 months, particularly as they are going to end that time with their GCSE examinations.


Today we welcome pupils from our local primary schools into school to enjoy two events: The Kent Music Primary Orchestra and Concert Day and our own Primary Outreach Brazil Event.  And then on Thursday we welcome our newest Maidstonians into school to enjoy the Year 6 Induction Day. Over 200 boys will spend the day with us getting to know each other and learning a bit more about the school they will be spending the next seven years in.  We hope they enjoy the day.


And on Friday we celebrate the founding of the School at the Founders’ Day Service and congratulate our youngest students in their achievements at the annual Lower School Speech Day.  The Rt Hon Helen Grant, MP is the Guest of Honour.